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Hearing Conservation The Canisius Model David W. Teloh Safety Director Canisius College Buffalo, NY SEHSA Fall Conference Lake Placid, NY October 24, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing Conservation The Canisius Model David W. Teloh Safety Director Canisius College Buffalo, NY SEHSA Fall Conference Lake Placid, NY October 24, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing Conservation The Canisius Model David W. Teloh Safety Director Canisius College Buffalo, NY SEHSA Fall Conference Lake Placid, NY October 24, 2006

2 K I S S

3 SIC 8221 Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools October 2003 through September 2005 OSHA CFR 1910.95 Occupational noise exposure No Citations

4 Do I need a formal program? “ The employer shall administer a continuing effective hearing conservation program whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels”

5 Program 29 CFR 1910.95 Noise Monitoring Audiometric Testing (Annual) Training (Annual) PPE Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs)

6 Noise Monitoring Dosimeter Sound level meter (Keep records 2 years)

7 Audiometric Testing Base line Annual Termination of employment (Keep records duration of employment +30 years)

8 Training (Annual) Effects of noise Purpose of Program PPE (types, benefits, etc.) Purpose and procedures of audiometric testing

9 PPE Hearing Protection Devices (HPDs) Train Fit Care Provide Insure Worn

10 Hearing Protectors (HPDs) Inserts - Disposable - non, pre molded custom molded (can be expandable or non expandable) Semi-inserts – Ear caps fitted with band or suspension arms Ear Muffs

11 Administrative Controls Shorter exposure time Rotate tasks Engineering Controls Erect barriers or curtains Enclose equipment Redesign equipment Muffle equipment Increase distance to noise source

12 Areas/Equipment to Consider Print shop Trade shops Boiler rooms Mechanical rooms Emergency Power Generators Lawn and ground care equipment Snow removal equipment Music Dept. Etc.

13 Example of Ground’s EQPT. And dBA Levels Aerator, Lesco/Honda GX 120 92 Bob Cat 75393 Bob Cat V518 Versahandler84 Blower, Leaf (5HP) Billy Goat94 Blower/Vac, Echo ES 23097 Chain Saw, HUSQVARNA 372 XP113 Drill, Echo EDR 240099 Hedge Trimmer, Echo HC 160107 Mower Honda ll86 Mower, Honda HRA 21597 Mower, Riding, John Deere F 1145 100 Mower, Toro Proline 5289 Slicer/Sealer, Kawasaki FE 25092 Snow Blower, Ariens SS 522 E87 Snow Blower, Toro CCR 245090 Snow Commander, Toro90 String Trimmer, Echo SRM 99 Tiller, Honda F22078 Tractor, Ford F121094 Tractor, LA 1002 KUBOTA (Snow)81 Tractor/Loader, Ford (Yellow)98

14 Annual Training Must include: The ear and the mechanics of hearing Effects of noise on hearing A review of the types of hearing loss The purpose of personal protective equipment (PPE) The proper use, fitting, care and storage of PPE Explanation of the OSHA noise standard and the local program The purpose of audiometric testing and an explanation of the testing procedures Results of noise monitoring Explanation of each employee’s role in the success of the program

15 In Conclusion Post OSHA Reg 1910.95 in work place Post local program in work place Monitor work areas to insure PPE is worn Cover hearing conservation during general safety talks Cover hearing conservation in safety bulletins and memos Offer PPE to those not in formal program

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