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CHAPTER 6 CROSSWORD PUZZLE REVIEW.  2. The common farmers, artisans and merchants who made up the majority of the population  PLEBEIANS  7. The gap.

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2  2. The common farmers, artisans and merchants who made up the majority of the population  PLEBEIANS  7. The gap between these two groups only grew larger as time went on and often led to conflict  RICH AND POOR  9. Daring Carthaginian general who invaded the Italian peninsula by taking elephants across the Alps  HANNIBAL  10. 90% of Rome's population did this for a living  FARMING

3  13. Like kings, these two people controlled the army and directed the government in the Roman republic  CONSULS  15. Egyptian queen who made power plays through relationships with Roman leaders  CLEOPATRA  16. A Roman virtue that valued strength, power, discipline and usefulness  GRAVITAS  18. Rome challenged this trade rival for supremacy of the Mediterranean  CARTHAGE

4  19. The Greeks, Latins and _____ settled early Rome and helped developed their unique culture.  ETRUSCANS  20. The lifeblood of the Roman Empire; reliant upon a vast network of roads and shipping lanes  TRADE  21. This group held the real power in the Roman Republic  SENATE  22. The First ____ consisted of Pompey, Crassus and Julius Caesar  TRIUMVERATE

5  23. His assassination in 44 BC ironically led to the end of the Roman Republic  JULIUS CAESAR  24. Aristocratic class of Roman citizens; usually wealthy landowners  PATRICIANS

6  1. The constant battle for power within the republic and empire often resulted in this  CIVIL WAR  3. "The Roman Peace"; a time of peace and prosperity  PAX ROMANA  4. The largest units of Rome's armies, made up of at least 5,000 foot soldiers  LEGION  5. Would become Rome's first emperor; known as Augustus  OCTAVIAN

7  6. They were elected members who represented the rights of the of the plebeians  TRIBUNES  8. In times of crisis this absolute ruler was appointed to serve, but no longer than six months  DICTATOR  11. Series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage with Rome emerging as the new power of the Mediterranean  PUNIC WARS  12. Rome was settled along this river  TIBER

8  14. They were considered property, not people  SLAVES  17. The written system of laws which later became the basis for later Roman law  TWELVE TABLES

9  7. Became the basis of legal systems in most of Europe and the United States  ROMAN LAW  9. New name given to the Roman capital; name after the emperor  CONSTANTINOPLE  13. The religion of Christianity is based upon the life and teachings of this man  JESUS  14. What happened to Christianity when Roman emperors persecuted the Church  SPREAD QUICKLY

10  15. Classical civilization is also called this, because it is a blending of the two cultures  GRECO ROMAN  18. Leader of the Huns; as they swept westward, German tribes began moving south, invading the Roman Empire  ATTILA  19. Christianity offered the promise of this after believers died  ETERNAL LIFE  20. City that was destroyed in AD 79 after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius  POMPEII

11  1. He split the Empire in two, feeling that it had become too large for one person to rule  DIOCLETIAN  2. These soldiers were hired into Rome's legions, but were only loyal to gold and their commanding general  MERCENARIES  3. Engineering marvel created by the Romans to supply their cities with water  AQUEDUCTS  (Typo on the puzzle- there is one extra box- cross out the box with the 3 in it)

12  4. Roman empire's economy suffered from this when the value of their money dropped quickly  INFLATION  5. Language spoken by people in the western part of the empire; became the language of scholars in the west  LATIN  6. Roman historian concerned with Rome's lack of morality  TACITUS  8. Title for the bishop of Rome  POPE

13  9. As emperor, he outlawed the persecution of Christians in AD 313  CONSTANTINE  10. A leader in the Christian church who supervised several churches; usually one of these for each major city  BISHOP  11. Paul was an example of this; a person who spreads a religion  MISSIONARY  12. Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the empire to this eastern city, shifting power from Rome to the east  BYZANTIUM

14  16. Languages that find their roots of the Roman language  ROMANCE  17. Famous Roman poet who wrote epics similar to those of Homer  VIRGIL  21. Meaning "savior"; many Jews believed that Jesus was this  MESSIAH


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