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Lecture 18 – Functional Genomics Based on chapter 8 Functional and Comparative Genomics Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc.

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1 Lecture 18 – Functional Genomics Based on chapter 8 Functional and Comparative Genomics Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc.

2 1. Questions you should be able to answer from today’s lecture. 1.How can we compare genomic DNA sequences? 2.How can we determine whether a gene is, or is not, transcribed in a particular sample? 3.How can we determine the abundance of a particular RNA in a sample? 4.How can we identify proteins that interact? 2. Molecular Analysis of Cloned DNA Cloned DNA is used in many types of experiments. Two examples are: –Southern blotting. –Northern blotting.

3 1 - RNA Expression Analysis – Determining Genomewide RNA Expression Levels Northern blotting – Review RT-PCR – Review Real-time PCR – Review Genomewide RNA expression analysis Types of microarrays Making microarrays Hybridization to microarrays

4 Slide 3 - Southern Blot Analysis of Sequences in the Genome

5 2 - Northern Blot Analysis

6 Slide 5 - The Wide Range of Uses of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Advantages and Limitations of PCR  PCR is more sensitive faster than cloning, but there are limitations:  Specific primers require that sequence information be known.  No more than about 40 kb can be amplified.  Taq polymerase does not proofread, meaning that mismatches go uncorrected. Alternative polymerases such as Vent polymerase do proofread, decreasing errors.  The sensitivity can result in amplification of contaminating sequences, a special hazard in forensic applications.

7 6. Applications of PCR Applications of PCR include:  Amplifying DNA for cloning.  Amplifying DNA from genomic DNA for sequencing without cloning.  Mapping DNA segments.  Disease diagnosis.  Subcloning segments of cloned DNA.  Individual genes may be amplified from a cloned multigene DNA fragment.  Complementation is used to determine functions of each gene.  Forensics (the analysis of legal evidence) in samples including hair, blood, or semen.

8 4 - RT-PCR and mRNA Quantification 1. Isolate mRNA 2. Reverse transcribe mRNA (make a DNA copy of each mRNA) 3. PCR amplify the first strand reverse transcribed mRNAs 4. Agarose Electrophoresis of samples

9 5 - Real-time PCR - Review  Real-time PCR is a form of reverse transcription RCR where the method of analysis involves continuous monitoring of the PCR product formed.

10 11. Alternative Pre-mRNA Splicing: P Element Transposition in Drosophila

11 Synthesis of cDNAs

12 Building cDNA Libraries

13 Using a cDNA Library to Annotate Genes FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..84734 /organism="Homo sapiens" /mol_type="genomic DNA" /db_xref="taxon:9606"9606 /chromosome="12" gene 1..84734 /gene="IGF1" /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefseq." /db_xref="GeneID:3479"3479 /db_xref="HGNC:5464"5464 /db_xref="MIM:147440"147440 mRNA join(1..282,4802..4958,60911..61092,78035..84734) /gene="IGF1" /product="insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C), transcript variant 4" /note="Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefseq.“ /transcript_id="NM_000618.3"NM_000618.3 /db_xref="GI:163659904" /db_xref="GeneID:3479" /3479 db_xref="HGNC:5464"5464 /db_xref="MIM:147440"147440 CDS join(2100..2114,4802..4958,60911..61092,78035..78094) /gene="IGF1" /note="isoform 2 preproprotein is encoded by transcript variant 2; Derived by automated computational analysis using gene prediction method: BestRefseq." /codon_start=1 /product="insulin-like growth factor 1 isoform 2 preproprotein" /protein_id="NP_001104754.1"NP_001104754.1 /db_xref="GI:163659901" /db_xref="GeneID:3479"3479 /db_xref="HGNC:5464"5464 /db_xref="MIM:147440"147440

14 Finding a Specific Clone Using a cDNA Library

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