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Drinking, Drugs, & Health Driver’s Education Mr. Vazquez.

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Presentation on theme: "Drinking, Drugs, & Health Driver’s Education Mr. Vazquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drinking, Drugs, & Health Driver’s Education Mr. Vazquez

2 Effects of alcohol Alcohol is a drug that affects overall driving ability Increase driving confidence and inhibit ability to make responsible decisions Even if below legal limit, alcohol, still affects one’s ability to drive affectively After 2-4 drinks reaction time, coordination, and balance are affected Vision and the ability to judge distance is affected causing reaction time and ability to drive safely decrease

3 Effects of Alcohol Continued  Sobriety can only be achieved through time  90% of alcohol is burned up (oxidized through the liver)  10% is eliminated through breath, sweat, and urine  The above is the reason for a slow-process to achieve a sober status and no quick fixes

4 Effects of alcohol continued  Alcohol creates a significant increase in emotions  Combination of alcohol and anger can create dangerous driving situations  Most alcohol related accidents involve one car, but many individuals are injured/killed

5 How much is too much?  BAC= BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION  BAC is based upon Quantity of Alcohol Consumed, Body Weight, How quickly consumed, and How much food was eaten  Best way to avoid drinking and driving accidents is to avoid any type of driving after drinking

6 HOW MUCH is too much?  BAC can be determined by a breath test or blood test  In NJ it is illegal for a driver 21 or older to drive with a BAC of.08 or greater  In NJ it is illegal for a driver under the age of 21 to drive with a BAC of 0.01 or greater

7 Risk of accidents while drinking & Driving  A BAC of just over.05 doubles chances of accident  A BAC of.10 increases a motor vehicle accident by 6x  A BAC of.15 increases chances of an accident to 25X

8 Breathalyzer test  Given by Police Officers who suspect drivers of intoxication  Refusal to give a Breathalyzer test will result in same penalty as driving with a BAC of.10 first offense. ^Loss of Driving License for 7-12 months, also subject to a charge of $1,000 per year for 3 years

9 Its not what you drink, but how much All 3 are equal and contain about a ½ ounce of alcohol Most arrests are for persons under the influence from beer Food does slow down the absorption rate of alcohol, but will not prevent a high BAC Heavy and steady drinking will always cause a high BAC Avoid driving, use a Designated Driver, Cab, or Public Transportation

10 DRINKING & DRIVING  Driving while drunk will cause driver’s to have slow reaction time and to drive with more confidence than usual  Officers are taught to look for these examples to recognize drunk drivers: Speeding: Driving at high speeds may seem safe to the driver Weaving: May stay in lane, but will have trouble staying in a straight line Slow Driving: May be driving overly cautious and slower than traffic Jerking: Driver may have short mental lapses and not keep a steady speed on a clear road Quick Stops: Driver may not ease to a stop at stop signs or traffic lights, but rather slam brakes at last second

11 Being a good host & the Drinking Driver  Make sure food is available  Do not over serve  Offer a place to stay, call for cab, or notify police  DO NOT let person drive home, will become legally involved in a drunk driving accident

12 Designated Drivers  First state to launch the HERO Campaign for designated drivers  Drive the car for individuals who have been drinking  Take great responsibility in the title  Ensures safety of other drivers as well  A driver who drives someone else’s car and receives a DUI means the owner of the car can receive a DUI as well

13 Drugs & Driving  Illegal to operate any vehicle in NJ under the influence of any illegal drugs  Check prescription drugs’ side effects i.e. may cause drowsiness/sleepiness  Never mix drugs with drugs or drugs with alcohol  If using prescription drugs must show proof to police officer if they ask  If a person does not possess a prescription for a drug in their possession then it is considered illegal

14 Drugs & Driving continued  After alcohol, marijuana is the second leading drug found to be in possession and drivers to be under the influence of  Marijuana may cause drivers to: Loss of tracking ability: Drivers will not be able to maintain a straight line Distance Judgment: Drivers may tailgate and follow to closely Vigilance: Not being able to pay attention to driving cause a driver to tailgate, drift into another lane etc. Divided Attention: To not notice driving signs, road hazards, etc.

15 HEALTHY DRIVING  Health- Any cold, sickness, injury could affect one’s ability to drive affectively  Vision-State law allows MVC to retest 10% of the driving population each year. A motorist should get their vision tested at least every 2 years. Over the age of 40 should get their eyes checked every year. The ability to judge distance is a major component to driving  Hearing- The ability to hear a horn or siren is a major component of driving. Sometimes a car can be heard and not seen. Never wear earphones or have the radio too loud.


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