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LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK (CFW). Objectives For This Morning Introduction to Framework How the framework can be used Seeing how works in practice.

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2 Objectives For This Morning Introduction to Framework How the framework can be used Seeing how works in practice Feedback and Comments

3 Introduction To Framework A Framework incorporating 4 competence groups that contain 14 sets of behaviours for all employees within Council and wider Local Government. Broken into 3 levels, namely front line, operational and strategic A definition and description of behaviours that Council employees at all levels need to apply within their roles and responsibilities A set of 6 core competencies, out of a possible 14, is identified and incorporated into the Person Specification for each role within Council The competence – ‘Respect for Diversity’ underpins all posts Staff will be reviewed and developed against these competencies throughout the employment cycle

4 What It Looks Like… Competency Framework Competence Group 1 How we provide leadership & direction 1.1 - Setting direction 1.2 - Leadership 1.3 - Managing Performance Competence Group 4 How we move forward 2.1 - Managing our own work 2.2 - Developing our own capability 2.3 - Communicating with impact Competence Group 3 How we work with others 3.1 - Collaborating in a political environment 3.2 - Influencing outcomes 3.3 - Meeting customer needs 3.4 - Respect for Diversity Competence Group 2 How we manage ourselves 4.1 - Problem solving & decision making 4.2 - Managing change 4.3 - Achieving results 4.4 - Continuously improving services

5 How the Framework can be used? ₋Throughout the employment cycle ₋Aligned with the People & OD Strategic Framework ₋Recruitment & Selection ₋Induction ₋Probation ₋Performance Appraisal ₋Learning, Training & Development ₋Coaching ₋Talent Managemen t

6 See How It Works in Practice ….. ₋Introduce the ‘tarot cards’ ₋15mins to complete the process ₋10mins to feedback ₋Identify 6 core competencies for the post for a Generic Director (at least 1 from each group if possible) ₋Focus on the cards only ₋Identify from each of the 4 groups the competencies in order of importance ₋Refer to the positive indicators within the framework for Strategic Level. ₋Identify 4 and revisit the in order to come up with the final 2 ₋Feedback to the group

7 Feedback and Comments How did you find in practice? Do you think it could work in your Council? Any clarification required? Next Steps

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