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Community Of Practices Tools Date : March 13 th, 2012 Marie Claire Gahizi CAPACITY BUILDING: COP MEETING.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Of Practices Tools Date : March 13 th, 2012 Marie Claire Gahizi CAPACITY BUILDING: COP MEETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Of Practices Tools Date : March 13 th, 2012 Marie Claire Gahizi CAPACITY BUILDING: COP MEETING

2 COP Priority Topics Difference between COP Task Force (COPTF) & Sub- Committees of Practice (Sub-COPs):  COPTF made of Coordinators  Sub-COP is composed of individuals focused on specific professional areas which will be known on under “Committee of Practice”.  Previously Chosen Sub-COPs :  COP/HR,  COP/Finance,  COP/Fundraising &  COP/SYS & POL (SYSTEMS AND POLICIES). This was chosen as the most important topic to start with. → Need to choose new topics or confirm the above

3 RPOs leading the COP/Task Force ARTCTF RAPP EPR PROFEMME URUNANA+ International Organizations PSI CHF

4 TOOLS 1. AGENDA 1.1. Meeting Title / Purpose 1.1.1. 1.2. Logistics Date : Time: Location: Meeting Materials Required

5 AGENDA Continued Participants Facilitator/ Moderator: Note taker: Other: COP Members : Objectives: Agenda TopicsTimeLead

6 2. COP MEETING REPORT Topics to be discussed Action to be taken ResponsibleDeadlineStatus/Com ments Performance Evaluation Tool * Look for appropriate sample * Explain to staff HR*TPR calculation * Time sheet

7 Please circle the appropriate response for each activity and comment were appropriate. Discussion or Activity 1 Name of Activity _________________________ The time allocated for the activity was “4 hours”…  Too much  Just right  Not enough Our group met the goal of our session.  Strongly Agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree I felt that my input was valued.  Strongly Agree  Agree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree My expertise was appropriate to contribute to this discussion.  Yes  No  Somewhat What did you like best about the meeting? What did you like least about the meeting? Additional Comments: 3. Meeting Feedback.


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