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18 - Structure of the Universe. Extragalactic Distance Scale Cepheids M V =-3.35logΠ-2.13+2.13(B-V) Π=period (days) Novae M V (max)=-9.96-2.31log(Δm/day)

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Presentation on theme: "18 - Structure of the Universe. Extragalactic Distance Scale Cepheids M V =-3.35logΠ-2.13+2.13(B-V) Π=period (days) Novae M V (max)=-9.96-2.31log(Δm/day)"— Presentation transcript:

1 18 - Structure of the Universe

2 Extragalactic Distance Scale Cepheids M V =-3.35logΠ-2.13+2.13(B-V) Π=period (days) Novae M V (max)=-9.96-2.31log(Δm/day) first 2 mags Planetary Nebulae Luminosity Function M 5007 (brightest)=-4.48 Globular Cluster Luminosity Function M B (turnover)=-6.5 Tully-Fisher M H =-10.01log(2v r /sin i)+3.61 D-σ logD=1.333logσ + C (for relative distances) Brightest Red Supergiants M V =-8.0 SN Ia M B (max)=-19.6 (but correct for decline time and redshift) Brightest Galaxy in Cluster M V =-22.82 Surface Brightness Fluctuations

3 Cepheid Distance Scale L ’ s for PL relation from Cluster Fitting and a few (~6?) measured parallaxes 1997 (Feast & Catchpole) - Hipparcos parallaxes for 223 Cepheids, of which 26 carry a lot of weight (accurate π ’ s and spread in P) PLC relation due to width of instability strip (Sandage) Dependent on metallicity Affected by extinction (in near-IR brightnesses are less, too). Blending light with nearby stars Different methods give different results


5 Globular Cluster Luminosity Function

6 Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function

7 Tully-Fisher Relation (in near-IR)

8 D-σ Relation (recently brightness- D-σ = “ fundamental plane ” )

9 Brightest Galaxy in Cluster

10 Supernovae Ia ’ s

11 Correcting for stretch and time dilation 35 SN Ia ’ s 1-day averages Original Data Corrected for Time Dilation (redshift z) Corrected for Stretch


13 Slipher (1914-1925) - Radial Velocities of Galaxies Most ( “ nearby ” ) galaxies exhibit spectral shift to longer wavelengths - “ redshifts ”

14 Universal Expansion

15 Note: data originally published in 1929 PNAS, not 1936! 1929 - Hubble enters the picture

16 The Hubble Law These are valid only for small z. For larger z, need to use true relativitstic formulation: This gives the Hubble Law (for space with flat geometry - which it seems to be) as: actually first introduced by Lamaitre in 1927

17 NOTE Implications: This sort of law would be derived by any observer in the universe - everyone sees the same law. Everything is (overall) moving away from everything else at the same rate per unit distance. Universe is expanding - space is expanding, carrying the matter with it. The universe need not have a “ center ” for this to be true. The age of a universe with no acceleration/deceleration is simply 1/H 0. If universal, such a law allows one to determine the distance of an object from its value of z.

18 Hubble & Humason 1931 extend Hubble Law to larger distances

19 H 0 from SN Ia ’ s WMAP gives H 0 =71

20 Large-Scale Structure (on many scales) Groups (N<50, D~2 Mpc) Clusters (N~50 ( “ poor ” ) - thousands ( “ rich ” ), D~8 Mpc) “ regular ” - spherical & centrally condensed (Coma) “ irregular ” - not (Virgo) Superclusters - clusters of clusters

21 The Local Group

22 M 81 Group M 82 M 81 NGC 3077

23 M 81 Group in H I

24 M82 Chandra (X-rays) VLA & Merlin (radio) RGB

25 Leo I Group (M 96 Group)

26 Virgo Cluster

27 Coma Cluster

28 Dark Matter 1933 - Fritz Zwicky uses the virial theorem to deduce the existence of “ dunkle Materie ” (dark matter) in the Coma cluster. Helvetica Physica Acta, 6, 110 (1933)

29 “ Method iv involves the observation of gravitational lens effects. Measurements of deflecting angles combined with data on the absolute distance of the “ lens nebula ” from the observer suffice to determine the mass of the lens nebula. The chances for the successful application of this method grow rapidly with the size of the available telescopes. ” - Zwicky, ApJ, 86, 217 (1937). Considers the possibility there may be “ internebular matter ” that is giving mass estimates of clusters of galaxies too high a value. Considers independent methods to get masses of individual galaxies... M/L for Coma ~500, compared to ~3 locally.

30 Hot Intergalactic Gas X-ray emission from Perseus Cluster. Probably >50% of all baryonic matter. Accounts for a fraction of the “ dark matter ”. The rest is “ non- baryonic ”.

31 Red: radio synchrotron Blue: X-rays

32 Local Supercluster

33 Even LARGER Scale Structure CfA - single slice


35 CfA “ hockey puck ” “ Great Wall ” Local Supercluster Pisces-Perseus supercluster


37 Density fluctuations & Non-Hubble Flow


39 Origin of Structure - Cold Dark Matter

40 Lensing & Dark Matter



43 Red: X-ray emitting gasBlue: Lensing material

44 HUDF - Beckwith et al. (Nov. 2006 AJ 132, 1729-1755)

45 Galaxy Evolution Filters




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