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War & Revolution. I.Context Age of Discovery & Exploration review – mercantilism British Navigation Acts established a trade monopoly in the British colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "War & Revolution. I.Context Age of Discovery & Exploration review – mercantilism British Navigation Acts established a trade monopoly in the British colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 War & Revolution

2 I.Context Age of Discovery & Exploration review – mercantilism British Navigation Acts established a trade monopoly in the British colonies in N. America development of British shipping industry France & Great Britain began competing for dominance with their world empires the wars of this period usually featured GB on one side & France on the other

3 II.War of Austrian Succession cause? Prussia & France vs. Austria & Great Britain Frederick the Great vs. Maria Theresa 3 theaters of conflict Europe India North America, esp. over control of the St. Lawrence River Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) all territory (except Silesia) returned to their original owners

4 III.Seven Years’ War new alliances France, Austria & Russia Great Britain & Prussia cause? theaters of conflict Europe? India? North America? Marquis de Montcalm (French) experienced success in North America until 1758 William Pitt (GB prime minister) changed the focus of the British war effort the defeat of the French on the Plains of Abraham (outside of Quebec) led to a cessation of hostilities Treaty of Paris, 1763 France surrendered its holdings in North America & most of India to the British

5 IV.The Road to Revolution core ideas: liberty & equality influence of Enlightenment thinkers? idea of sovereignty: the idea that the people alone have the authority to make laws that limit an individual’s freedoms aftermath of Seven Years’ War (French & Indian War) the war had doubled the British national debt GB decided to maintain a large army in North America after 1763 increase in taxes to fund the army & replenish the treasury Stamp Act crisis (1765-66) direct vs. virtual representation American protests the Stamp Act would have doubled colonial taxes to 2 shillings per person/year at the time, British citizens were paying 26 shillings per person/year

6 American practice of self-government salutary neglect (until 1763) Americans enjoyed greater political, social & economic equality than their British (or European) counterparts Boston Tea Party (1773) British East India Company aftermath – the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts First Continental Congress (Sept. 1774) response to Coercive Acts revolution was NOT up for serious discussion Second Continental Congress (convened in May 1775) response to Battle of Lexington & Concord Declaration of Independence – July 4, 1776 Enlightenment influence

7 V.American Revolution (in a world context) legacy of mercantilism & previous wars French Alliance – February 1778 after battle of Saratoga (Oct. 1777) Marquis de Lafayette Baron von Steuben – Prussian general who helped train soldiers at Valley Forge Spain & the Dutch Republic also declared war on Great Britain opportunity to gain territory for Britain, the American Revolution became a world war – with enemies they took seriously Treaty of Paris, 1783 recognized American independence U.S. gained control of all British territory east of the Mississippi River

8 VI.A New Style of Government federal system: a style of govt. where power is shared between the national govt. & the state govts. Constitution (1787) 3 branches of govt. (Montesquieu) representation of the people in the House of Representatives ratification by the states (consent of the governed – the general will) Bill of Rights (1791) influence of English Bill of Rights (1689) after the Glorious Revolution what freedoms were guaranteed? influence of natural rights philosophy? influence of the Enlightenment on revolutionary politics?

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