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Impact of Increasing Meter Errors on the SEM Modifications Committee Meeting 65 3 rd December 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Increasing Meter Errors on the SEM Modifications Committee Meeting 65 3 rd December 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Increasing Meter Errors on the SEM Modifications Committee Meeting 65 3 rd December 2015

2 Background; Size of issues; Impact on the SEM; Conclusions; Considerations for I-SEM. Content

3 MOD_04_15 first raised at Modification Committee Meeting 61 on 15 th April 2015; TSO analysis highlighted the causes of incorrect Metering data submitted to SEMO and how these could be prevented; These affect ROI DSO connected Generators for which the TSO is Meter Data Provider (MDP) in the SEM; Committee asked ROI TSO and DSO for a cost/benefit analysis of upgrading the Meters and how such errors have impacted the SEM; Background

4 23 DSO connected Generators, with TSO as MDP, were in the SEM in Jan 2013; these became 29 by Jan 2014 and 32 by Jan 2015*. The TSO, as MDP, have identified the following Metering errors: The identified Metering errors up to Nov 2015, are currently 55. *By Dec 2015, four additional units have joined the SEM, bringing the total up to 36. Size of Issue

5 The majority of these errors were identified and resolved before D+3 and therefore had no impact on the Market; Those not identified in time resulted in Formal Queries: These represented 8%, 11% and 13% of all Settlement Queries raised for each calendar year (2015 only up to Nov.). Size of Issue cont.

6 In 2015, the MDP has observed a decrease in the number of metering issues; however, Formal Queries to the SEM have remained stable; All units are VPTGs except 7* currently completing Grid Code testing; Further 82* units above 5MW are in the planning for Gate 3; The number of DSO connected Price Effecting Units in the SEM could rise to 114*; It is expected that, as the number of units increases, so will the number of errors and relative Formal Queries; This has the potential of becoming highly disruptive and impact the efficient running of the market. *Numbers subject to review as units opt to merge or split Impact on the SEM

7 The Settlement Queries affected VPTG Generators (Price Effecting in the SEM) in all but three cases; None of these errors were identified within the timelines for Data Queries; Errors were mostly resolved in M+4, because of small monetary impact, but some occurred for prolonged periods; Nine queries affected two or more days; one of these affected 31 days; It is likely that in those cases a Re-price would have occurred should the error be identified in time; Following MOD_01_15, six queries were not raised: errors within +/- 1MW increasing average monetary error from approx €150 to €748. Impact on the SEM cont.

8 Pricing signals might not work correctly, over-estimating or under- estimating the SMP; Prolonged errors could impact Constraints and Participants revenues; Amounts resettled for such issues to date, vary from less than €1 to about €138,500 and could be either positive or negative; Resettlements result in new versions of Statements for the whole billing period for all Units in the Market; All Units are therefore affected even in cases of minor adjustments; Trend in 2015 of higher number of sizeable issues. Impact on the SEM cont.

9 SEMO welcomes any improvement in the quality of Meter Data received to prevent and reduce instances of Resettlement or Re-price; This will avoid additional administrative burden to Participants, MDP and MO and will ensure the SMP is based on correct pricing signals; An increase in the number of queries will affect all areas in SEMO: Customer service: management of increased number of Formal Queries; Market Analysis: increase in the number and sizes of manual assessments; Pricing: increase in Re-prices and relative ad-hoc Resettlement; Settlement: increase in Resettlement for both Energy and Capacity; Credit and Funds Transfer: increase in the number of Invoice runs. SEMO has been able to absorb these additional workload to date; Additional resources will be needed should query numbers increase substantially in line with the increase in Units joining the Market. Conclusions

10 SEMC view to date is: ‘overall Metering framework will endure for I- SEM…including ‘as much as possible of the timings and processes’; ‘work will be under the governance of the RAs’ *. Removed current Price Effecting/Non Price Effecting units distinction; As any unit could be Price Maker, should this require harmonization of metering standards across all units? Will all MDPs have a 7 day operation? Timelines for submission of Metered data will affect trading ability; Could metering errors cause revenue uncertainty and affect the unit’s ability to respond to Imbalance pricing signals? Imbalance Settlement should be limited to the affected unit; Diminished impact to other Participants; will these errors be addressed at scheduled M+4 and M+13? * Extracts from I-SEM ETA Detailed Design Decision Paper SEM-15-065 Considerations for I-SEM

11 Questions

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