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20. 21. EOC Practice. 23. 22. Home-Learning #7 Review:

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Presentation on theme: "20. 21. EOC Practice. 23. 22. Home-Learning #7 Review:"— Presentation transcript:

1 20. 21. EOC Practice

2 23. 22.

3 Home-Learning #7 Review:

4 Name: Period: Date: Topic: Solving Literal Equations Essential Question: Can equations that appear to be different be equivalent and how can you solve them? Using the formula Distance: Rate x Time or D=RT, we can solve the formula for R or T. Given: d = rt solve for r

5 The formula for area of rectangle is A = lw. Find the formula for l.

6 BACK Given: P = 2l + 2w Solve for w

7 BACK 3d + 14 = 7e – 4d Solve for d

8 Solutions to last four slides: 1.d = rt solve for r 2.A = lw solve for l 3.P = 2l + 2w Solve for w 4.3d + 14 = 7e – 4d Solve for d Solutions: 1.r = 2.l = 3.w = 4.d = e - 2

9 1) Solve 2x - 4y = 7 for x To get x by itself, what is the first step? 1.Add 2x 2.Subtract 2x 3.Add 4y 4.Subtract 4y Answer Now

10 BACK cx + 3t = 2s – t Solve for t

11 BACK Given m = 10n Solve for m

12 Compare the following Solve both for y

13 2) Solve for y. What is the first step? 1.Multiply by 3 2.Divide by 3 3.Add a 4.Subtract a Answer Now

14 1.L = V - WH 2. 3. 4. 3) The formula for the volume of a rectangular prism is V = lwh. Which equation solves the formula for l? Answer Now

15 Don’t stress, it’s the same! Compare Solve for d

16 Pair – Practice: p + r = s Solve for r Solve for p 4b – c = d Solve for b Solve for c = 3j Solve for h

17 A formula is a type of literal equation because it contains constants and variables. Convert 23° Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius. -5°C equals 23°F 1 1

18 Rewriting Literal Equations & Finding Values: 10x + 5y = 80 Solve for y Use re-written equation to find y when x = 3 and when x = 6

19 y + 2x = 5 Solve for y. Then find the value of y for each value of x: x = - 1 and x = 0

20 Independent Practice: Page 112 ( 14, 26) Page 114 (53, 54, 56)

21 Las Vegas Review!!!

22 Wrap – Up: Reminder : -Assessment #2

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