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 Where are the scientists in all this ? Need to create a dialogue with the scientists  How do we get the word out on CDI and what we have to offer –

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Presentation on theme: " Where are the scientists in all this ? Need to create a dialogue with the scientists  How do we get the word out on CDI and what we have to offer –"— Presentation transcript:

1  Where are the scientists in all this ? Need to create a dialogue with the scientists  How do we get the word out on CDI and what we have to offer – how do we train, get feedback, provide service ▪ Bring SSPT to our monthly meetings ▪ Bring a guest scientists’ challenge to our monthly meeting ▪ Training modules on tools and webex training for scientists ▪ Meet with scientists where they work

2  Look to external partners  Other Peoples Data/Tools – OPD and OPT becoming more aware of what is out there – connecting it to USGS to make it more easily found and accessible  Data Life-cycle management diagram – example of stealing shamelessly rather than re-inventing – creating a solutions corner on the Confluence wiki to provide a forum for crowdsourcing solutions

3  Collaborative technology and Social media  Incentives to change  RGE/EDGE, data management training tools  Policy – if you have a catalogue need then use Science Base, if doing modeling integration then use THREDDS – as a community adopt solution standards – incorporate internal and external standards into a technical reference model for the USGS  Working Group on creating a knowledge culture that values and shares data, has a shared vision, an environment of trust, and system of rewards. Swat Teams – Data librarians, data rescue, metadata, priority project support

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