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ICT for PBL ICT in Education, APEID UNESCO Bangkok.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT for PBL ICT in Education, APEID UNESCO Bangkok."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT for PBL ICT in Education, APEID UNESCO Bangkok

2 Technolo gical Knowled ge (TK) Content Knowle dge (CK) Pedago gical Knowle dge (PK) Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) Technologica l Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK)

3 TPACK Guidelines From Engaging Students in Powerful Learning for the 21 st century, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach PCK Do these pedagogical practices make concepts clearer and/or foster deeper learning? TCK Does the use of technology help represent the content in diverse ways or maximize opportunities to transform the content in ways that make sense to the learner? TPK Do the pedagogical practices maximize the use of existing multimedia for teaching and evaluating learning? TPCK

4 When to use ICT? When it allows students to ……. understand the learned concepts better Improve their higher order thinking skills by engaging them in inquiry-based learning – create and interact in a learning environment – connect with data/ information in several formats – collect data/ Information – analyze data/ Information Stimulate students’ motivation ICT use has to serve a purpose!

5 From Engaging Students in Powerful Learning for the 21 st century, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach Significant Findings on ICT integration Effectiveness of technology use depend on teaching approaches used in conjunction with the technology How teachers integrate matters- not just the technology alone It needs to be about the learning, not the technology. And teachers need to choose the right tool for the right task. As long as we see content, technology and pedagogy as separate – technology will always be just an add on.



8 Things to consider Based on objectives – Appropriate tool – Appropriate equipment – AVOID ICT ABUSE Guidance, support Objectives and manner / criteria of assessment should be clear from the very beginning

9 Instruments to guide you Features Analysis Matrix ICT Integration Checklist

10 Potential ICT Uses in PBL Phases/ Elements Teacher Facilitation/ Materials ICT Hardware & Software needed Student Activity / Outputs ICT Hardware & Software needed Planning Preparation Implementation Collaboration Output Production Assessment / Evaluation

11 Computer Digital camera Video camera Digital recorder Mobile phone, smart phones Scanner Printer Projector Fax machine Internet connection Web cam Earphones/ headsets + microphone ICT Equipment

12 Office Productivity Tools Data Organization Calculation Graphics Audio, Video Desktop Publishing Learning Objects/ Modules Interactive Software, Games, and Simulations Templates, Forms Albums Bookmarking Blogs, wikis Communication Collaboration Web Authoring Virtual Reality Software

13 Various Software Uses Check out list on wikispaces (under development) UNESCO’s collection of multimedia tools and resources UNESCO’s Portal for Teachers MS PIL Network Other online tools Remember to AVOID ICT ABUSE!

14 Word Processor – instructions – Plan, proposal – Letter – Poems, essays, stories, scripts – Article – Desktop publishing (leaflets, brochures, posters, etc.) Office Productivity Tools – Survey instrument Survey instrument – Interview questions – Documentation of process (minutes, reports) – Evaluation Form – Checklist/ rubrics

15 Spreadsheet – Timelines / Schedules Timelines / Schedules – Survey Results – Experiment Results – Statistics – Trends – Graphs/ diagrams – Budget Estimates / Financial Reports – Progress tracking – Checklist/Rubrics/ Grading Office Productivity Tools

16 Slide Presentation – Presentations – Advertisement – Photo Essay 1, 2 (UNICEF website) Photo Essay 12 – Hyperlinked document/ website – Interactive Games – Interactive Map Desktop Publishing – Leaflets – Brochures Brochures – Posters Database – Information repository – Summary Reports Office Productivity Tools

17 Search information Images Podcasts, e-books Videos Access to experts and organizations, companies, interest groups Virtual Tour Email Discussion forums Chat, videoconference Blogs, SNS Online Polls / SurveysPolls Surveys Online Repositories/ Portfolios Education Communities Internet

18 Graphic Design Image Editing Animation Website Development Website Audio Production/ Editing Video Production/ Editing Video Production Comic Strip Uses: – Visual/audio representation of story or results – Delegation of roles – Interviews – Documentation – Information sharing /campaign – Advertisement/ promotion Specialized Tools

19 Mindmapping (Freemind, popplet)Freemind Simulation Tools (physics, chemistry, etc.) Simulation Tools Project management tool Specialized Tools Uses: – Conceptualizing and organizing thought – Planning, resource management, and progress tracking – Analysis, experiments

20 Try… UNESCO Portal for Teachers UNESCO collection of multimedia resources & tools UNESCO collection of multimedia resources & tools

21 Try… Others Poster and collage- maker Comic Strip Comic Strip Links on the wikispace (Online Resources) MS PIL Network

22 Review: Benefits of Collaboration Students can clarify and organize their ideas well enough to verbalize them to others. Students have opportunities to elaborate on what they have learned. Students are exposed to the views of others – views that may reflect a more accurate understanding of the topics under discussion. Students discover how people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds may interpret the world in different but valid ways.

23 How can ICT help your students achieve those benefits of collaboration? Why Telecollaboration?

24 E-Community of Learners Engaging reluctant students and promoting "more egalitarian classrooms” Enabling activities that were previously not possible, e.g., Corresponding with "experts" Increase students’ comprehension of issues through contact with "real" people in "real" places. Building inter-cultural understanding and tolerance.

25 Collaboration Approaches Subject Area Single Inter-disciplinary Social action Types of interactions? Resources? Roles? Intra class Inter classgradeschoolcommunitycultural

26 Examples of Telecollaboration Collaborative writing/ Project management: – Google doc: project report, learning languages, collective writing – Wiki: daily journals, recording project outputs In-class/out of class discussion: – Text-based discussion: Email, Wikispaces, Facebook – Discussion on multimedia materials: Voicethread – Live discussion at remote: Skype, Twitter, MSN

27 Telecollaboration Synchronous Chat (YM, GTalk, FB) Teleconference Videoconference (Skype, YM, Google Hangout, FB)Skype Asynchronous Email Forum Voicethread Google Docs Wiki (wikispaces) Social Bookmarking (delicious, pinterest) File Sharing (Dropbox, Flickr)Dropbox Web Development (,

28 Challenges in Tele-collaboration What do you think would be the challenges when engaging in tele-collaboration? Plan well, establish rules, and keep monitoring your students’ progress!!!!

29 # of students in groups Structured worksheets Brainstorm and work with pencil and paper first. Use your student as resource person Etiquette, privacy and safety Some useful tips to manage and facilitate telecollaboration

30 Go through your Activity System Table (Action Plan) and try to enhance the activities by adding ICTs. Always remember that you don’t use ICT for the sake of using ICT. Keep asking yourself whether and to what extent your activity plan would benefit from using ICT. Your tasks for this session: 1.Identify the activities that you want to use ICT 2.Justify why you want to add ICT (benefits?) 3.Name ICT tools that you want to use (consider relevance) 4.Specify your role in this activity (and your strategies) Activity

31 1.Group work 2.Upload your output. 3.If possible, read and comment on other groups’ postings. 4.GROUP PRESENTATIONS Tasks

32 Jonghwi Park Mel Tan

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