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D.I.S.H. Director Information Share Hub August 2014 Topic: SY 14-15 Household Applications Katie Embree-Cleveland.

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Presentation on theme: "D.I.S.H. Director Information Share Hub August 2014 Topic: SY 14-15 Household Applications Katie Embree-Cleveland."— Presentation transcript:

1 D.I.S.H. Director Information Share Hub August 2014 Topic: SY 14-15 Household Applications Katie Embree-Cleveland

2 What is the D.I.S.H. Welcome New Directors!  The D.I.S.H. session will occur monthly (typically the 2 nd Thursday of each month).  Each session will be recorded and placed on our website for your convenience.

3 SY 14-15 Application Let’s Review: Part 1  If a parent marks Foster- approve application as free for that student. No further documentation needed. Page 62  If a parent marks: homeless, migrant, runaway, head start- documentation is required. Page 56  These categories DO NOT EXTEND ELIGIBILTY TO OTHERS IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Ensure that individuals check NO INCOME if they do not list income in Part 3.

4 SY 14-15 Application Let’s Review: Part 2  Be sure to always check the DC list if a case number is provided. Make a student DC if possible!  Best Practice: validate case numbers by contacting the local assistance program. Page 33  Be mindful of invalid case numbers- NO EBT numbers or 555- 555, etc.

5 What does Validation mean?

6 Example of Validating a Case Number

7 What does it mean to “Extend Eligibility”?  Extension of Categorical Eligibility means: – All children in a household with at least one child or household member who receives benefits from an Assistance Program are categorically eligible for free meals. Any one child’s or household member’s receipt of benefits from an Assistance Program extends free school meal eligibility to all children who are members of the household.

8 SY 14-15 Application Let’s Review: Part 3  List Gross income. Only convert to annual if multiple frequencies are reported. Households must report income for the current month or the prior month.  In special situations, i.e. self-employed or seasonal workers, households may, with the assistance of the determining official, report annual income. Family members must list income unless they check “NO INCOME” in Part 1.

9 SY 14-15 Application Let’s Review: Part 4  A complete application must provide:  Names of all household members  Amount and source of current income and frequency of income, or NO INCOME  A checked box for other source eligibility if applicable.  Signature of an adult household member  Last four digits of the #SSN or an indication that one is not available

10 SY 14-15 Application Let’s Review: Part 5  Record Keeping for Approved:  Indicate approval date  Indicate the level of benefit  Sign or initial the application.  Denied Applications in writing, provide:  Reason for Denial  Right to Appeal  Instructions on how to appeal  A statement that family may re-apply at any time during the school year.

11 Independent Review of Applications SP 44-2014 Several districts have been notified that they must conduct an Independent Review of Applications. What does this mean? – An Independent Review is a second party of the application during the initial 10 day approval process. The second party will process the application independent of the first determining official to ensure that there are no certification errors. – This is not verification. This is not a confirmation review.

12 Duration of Eligibility  A child’s eligibly is in effect from the date of eligibility of the current school year up to 30 operating days into the subsequent school year.  Households are not required to report changes.

13 Record Retention  All free and reduced price applications, including applications with denied benefits, must be kept on file for a minimum of three years after the final claim is submitted for the fiscal year to which they pertain.

14 Questions  Be sure to always reference the: Eligibility Manual for School Meals- Determining and Verifying Eligibility, August 2014. HELP!

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