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Chocolate and Stuff Now opening in Winchestertinville mall!

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Presentation on theme: "Chocolate and Stuff Now opening in Winchestertinville mall!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chocolate and Stuff Now opening in Winchestertinville mall!

2 What we have Chocolate and stuff has a lot of different kinds of useful items to your every day life. On a side note, they also have the widest selection of chocolate in the world. late!

3 Some of our top items ChocolateKitchen ItemsElectronicsMeal ItemsMiscellaneous items Chocolate Bunnies Window CurtainsTelevisionsWafflesTupperware Chocolate SyrupDish WasherComputersSteakSilverware German Chocolate StoveTelephonesChipsSports Equipment Category I t e m

4 Chocolate We sell a lot of chocolate, thus the name: “Chocolate and stuff”. Our Chocolate is from nay companies, but our star company is Ghirardelli. Here’s a hyperlink to their website!

5 What We Strive For We believe that people need a cheap store to go to to buy quality items. So what do we do? We make a quality store that people strive for.

6 What Is Usually Bought

7 Where we are The Winchestertinville Shopping district Star Bucks Target Best buy Chocolate and stuff

8 Chocolate and Stuff Take a ride down to Chocolate and Stuff down in the Winchestertinville shopping district. Cheap Prices, quality items, and it’s all near you! Stop by today!

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