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Module Four War and Peace Unit 8 Peace and Development New Century Senior English Book 5.

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1 Module Four War and Peace Unit 8 Peace and Development New Century Senior English Book 5

2 Para. A make a difference Secretary General in conducting research for… an essay on constructive approaches to the problems of war and peace thought-provoking fable share …with a possible solution for world peace

3 Para. B the weight of a snowflake Nothing more than nothing. in that case close to Having nothing better to do, settle on As you say, break off say to herself Perhaps there is only one person’s voice lacking for peace to come to the world.

4 Para. C in contrast to move sb to do … add my voice for world peace Maybe one person can make a difference for peace to come to the world.

5 Para. D empower sb with… the means to solve my problems peacefully work for anyone regardless of… philosophy of life for dealing with individuals or groups Learn to do unto others as you would others to do unto you!

6 Para. E may well (do)… the United Nations create and distribute a unified educational programme resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively

7 Para. F be used as the foundation for an educational peace programme the critical knowledge create perceptions and skills develop a generation of … be prepared to take on tomorrow’s challenges make positive choices be faced with strong leadership skills make decisions enable peace to become a reality in the world

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