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Alcohol----and the facts!!!  Is it right for you?  Learn how to make healthy decisions. decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Alcohol----and the facts!!!  Is it right for you?  Learn how to make healthy decisions. decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alcohol----and the facts!!!  Is it right for you?  Learn how to make healthy decisions. decisions.

2 What is the ingredient in alcohol that makes it intoxicating?  Ethanol  It acts as an anesthetic and puts the brain to sleep.

3 How does alcohol affect the body?  It slows down the central nervous system.  Acts as a Depressant

4 If it acts as a depressant, don’t my organs slow down?  My heart rate begins to slow down  My breathing begins to slow down

5 Lets clear up some myths about alcohol?  It is not a stimulant  Caffeine will not sober a person up  Food will not keep you from becoming intoxicated

6 More myths to clarify  Beer is not safer than wine or hard liquor  Alcoholism is in fact a disease  Alcohol does not prevent heart disease.

7 What are the different types of alcohol?  Beer  Wine  Liquor

8 How much alcohol is in each type?  In one can or bottle of beer (12 oz), there is 5 % alcohol.  In a ½ glass or 5 oz. of wine, there is approximately 12% alcohol.  In 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, there is approximately 40% alcohol.

9 Can alcohol affect people differently?  It depends upon 4 things:  Amount consumed  Body weight  Gender  Attitude

10 After you drink alcohol, where in the body does it go?  1 st --stomach  2 nd--- small intestines  3 rd -bloodstream  4 th--- brain  5 th--- liver

11 How long does it take alcohol to affect the brain?  30 seconds

12 What does B.A.C stand for?  Blood Alcohol Content .08 is the legal limit in most states.

13 What happens after a person reaches the legal limit?  Blurred Vision  Slurred Speech  Poor muscle control.  Reaction time decreases  Judgment impaired

14 What B.A.C level will induce a coma? .4  After.5, death usually occurs

15 What organ breaks down alcohol?  Liver  The liver’s primary job is to break down toxins, but when there is too much alcohol, the liver is busy trying to break that down instead.  The filter breaks

16 How long does it take to get alcohol out of your body?  1 hour = 1.2 oz  A hangover is a sign of alcohol poisoning. This is withdrawal

17 What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal or a hangover?  Cramps  Vomiting  Elevated blood pressure  Sweating  Dilated pupils  Sleep problems  Diarrhea  Convulsions

18 What is alcoholism?  Chronic disease influenced by:  Genetics  Social factors  Environmental factors

19 What are 3 liver disorders caused by alcoholism?  Fatty liver  Alcoholic hepatitis  Cirrhosis— scarring of the liver

20 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?  Caused when a fetus is infected with too much alcohol.

21 What are some characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?  Low birth weight  Physical deformities  Heart defects  Joint and limb deformities  Mental handicaps

22 How does one get help for alcoholism?  Contact an organization  Maintain motivation and determination to recover  Receive support from family and friends.

23 Is alcohol right for you?  Only you can make the decision to put certain things into your body.  Use your own judgment

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