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2015 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE: TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS I. INTRO  Read Ps 90:4, 12.  This psalm was written by Moses. ~ Men of God are most certainly men.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE: TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS I. INTRO  Read Ps 90:4, 12.  This psalm was written by Moses. ~ Men of God are most certainly men."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE: TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS I. INTRO  Read Ps 90:4, 12.  This psalm was written by Moses. ~ Men of God are most certainly men of prayer.  Ps 90 is also the oldest of the psalms.

2 ~ This psalm speaks of the weakness and frailty of man and the shortness of life in contrast to the eternity of God (v.1, 2). ~ Each year that passes brings us closer to eternity much more than we realize. II. A BRIEF THOUSAND YEARS  Read Ps 90:4.

3 ~ A thousand years is a long stretch of time.  Yet this period IS TO THE LORD AS NOTHING AND IS EVEN COUNTED AS TIME ALREADY GONE. ~ It is nothing compared to eternity. ~ Great as this stretch of time may seem to us, years and days measure only the duration of created things.

4  With all of these descriptions, can you even imagine what eternity and the eternality of God must be? ~ That’s why Moses begins precisely with the declaration of God’s timelessness, God’s being everlasting: vv. 1, 2. ~ This passage just illustrates HOW SHORT AND TEMPORARY LIFE IS! HOW FLEETING TIME IS! ~ Vv. 3-6 serve as a profound contrast to vv. 1-2.

5 ~ How humbling this must have been to Moses (and how we must also be humbled by this realization!) III. THE NUMBERING OF OUR DAYS  Read Ps 90:12a. ~ “To number our days” is to take the measurement of human life. (Cf. v.10)

6  It is not a mathematical numbering that he was asking but a moral numbering. ~ IT IS TO MEASURE HUMAN LIFE BY THE PURPOSES TO WHICH IT SHOULD BE LIVED. ~ Have we lived according to God’s purpose for us? ~ It is to estimate human life by the eternity to which it moves toward and in which it shall finally be absorbed.

7  LIFE IS JUST TOO SHORT AND FLEETING TO WASTE ANY OF OUR DAYS. ~ David himself realized this – see Ps 39:5.  Of all the mathematical rules, this is the hardest – TO NUMBER OUR DAYS. ~ This is the problem: we can number other men’s days and years and forget our own.

8  That’s why Moses sends us to God: Ps 90:12a. ~ God, not the world, not man is the only one who could ever teach us to do this right. ~ David also knew this (see Ps 86:11).  Being a man of God, Moses without a doubt numbered his days. ~ Yet apparently he believed he did not do it well enough and so he prays here to be taught to do better.

9 ~ A man of God is humble and teachable. ~ ONLY A FOOL REFUSES TO BE TAUGHT. ~ Prov 12:15

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