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Aim: Why did the US become further involved in Vietnam and how did American policies change?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why did the US become further involved in Vietnam and how did American policies change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why did the US become further involved in Vietnam and how did American policies change?

2 Daisy Nuclear Ad Why are the stakes “too high” to not vote?

3 Combating Communism in Two Hemispheres February 1965  bomb raids in South Vietnam after Viet Cong guerrillas attack American air base March 1965  “Operation Rolling Thunder” Vietnam War = American war? –By 1968 more than 500,000 troops in SE Asia and the cost of war was over $30 billion

4 Credibility Gap Vietnam: America was floundering in Vietnam and was being condemned for its actions there Antiwar demonstrations: “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?”

5 Tet Offensive January 1968: Viet Cong attacked almost every capital and American base in South Vietnam on the “Tet” (Vietnamese New Year) Tet Offensive: ended when the US counterattacked and recovered the lost territory Victory or failure? March 1968: LBJ refused to sign an order for more troops to Vietnam and announced he would NOT run in the 1968 election

6 Victory for Nixon A minority president, he owed his presidency to protests over the war, the unfair draft, crime, and rioting Evaluating LBJ: damned if he did and damned if he didn’t

7 Vietnamization "Vietnamization”: withdrawing 540k US troops and turning the war over to the Vietnamese –"Nixon Doctrine”: U.S. would honor its commitments, but the Vietnamese would have to go at it without massive American troop numbers

8 Cambodianizing the Vietnam War "Ho Chi Minh Trail”: North Vietnamese attacking from Cambodia (NEUTRAL) and channeling supplies to N. Vietnam from Cambodia –In April 1970, Nixon ordered the U.S. to invade Cambodia to put a stop to the uneven playing field Pentagon Papers: NY Times secret study that showed goof-ups by JFK and LBJ in dealing with Vietnam -Adding to the credibility gap

9 Détente with Beijing Clash of the communists: China & Soviet Union were fighting (literally at times) over what it means to be a communist. Nixon saw this as a chance to step in and play one against the other Détente: reduction of Cold War tensions 1972: Nixon visits with Mao –1979 US recognizes communist gov’t in China

10 –Grain Deal of 1972: U.S. would sell $750+ million grain to the Soviets. –ABM treaty: anti-ballistic missile reduction –SALT: "Strategic Arms Limitations Talks” Froze the number of ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads Détente with Moscow

11 1.North Vietnam attacked across the dividing line  Nixon responded by ordering the heaviest, massive bombing of the war to force an agreement 2.Paris Accords (Jan. 1973): N. Vietnam agrees to cease- fire and give back US POWs, US withdraws troops, war continues b/t North & South Armistice

12 Born in the USA Bruce Springsteen Did the end of Vietnam signify the end of the Cold War?

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