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MEDAR 2002 Database and Network The MEDAR Group MEDAR/MEDATLAS II Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue of Temperature, Salinity and Bio-chemical Parameters.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDAR 2002 Database and Network The MEDAR Group MEDAR/MEDATLAS II Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue of Temperature, Salinity and Bio-chemical Parameters."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEDAR 2002 Database and Network The MEDAR Group MEDAR/MEDATLAS II Mediterranean Data Archaeology and Rescue of Temperature, Salinity and Bio-chemical Parameters EC-Marine Science & Technology Programme Concerted Action (MAS3-CT98-0174/ERBIC20-CT98-0103)

2 2 06/11/2002 Rationale  Long time series of basic oceanographic parameters are necessary for various scientific and technical studies  Temperature and salinity  Previous projects : MODB, MEDATLAS 1997  Dissolved oxygen  Nutrients  Data still dispersed among the organizations which carry oceanographic cruises with the risk of being lost for the community  International program GODAR is preapring

3 3 06/11/2002 OBJECTIVES OF MEDAR/MEDATLAS  To compile and safeguard historical data  To make available comparable datasets  Common format  Common protocol for quality checks  To compute climatology for all the parameters  To publish and disseminate observed data and climatology  To enhance communication between scientists and data managers

4 4 06/11/2002 MEDAR GROUP

5 5 06/11/2002 PROJECT STRUCTURE

6 6 06/11/2002 Loading in the data base Error list Benchmark 3 : OCT 2000 Benchmark 4 : JULY 2001 Final corrected data set : JUNE 2002 GAC IFREMER/France 4 RDC NODC/DNA DATA CIRCULATION AC GHER/Belgium Benchmark 3 : NOVEMBER 2000 Benchmark 4 : SEPTEMBER 2001 Final data set : JULY 2002 Pre-processing 1st Climatology November 2001 Errors Final Climatology October 2002

7 7 06/11/2002 MEDAR 2002 DATABASE Content by data type Data typeNb of Profiles in MEDATLAS 2002 (MEDATLAS 1997) CTD35 679 (15 778) Bottle88 323 (33 977) MBT and XBT161 848 (156 474) Thermistors29 (29)

8 8 06/11/2002 MEDAR 2002 DATABASE Content by Parameters ParameterNb of ProfilesParameterNb of Profiles Temperature284 371Nitrite10 508 Salinity118 009Ammonium5 239 Oxygen44 928Chlorophyll4 672 Phosphate20 761Alkalinity2 548 Silicate15 920Total Phosphorus 2381 PH14 512H2S1 843 Nitrate10 572Total Nitrogen153

9 9 06/11/2002 TEMPERATURE

10 10 06/11/2002 SALINITY

11 11 06/11/2002 DISSOLVED OXYGEN

12 12 06/11/2002 PHOSPHATE

13 13 06/11/2002 CHLOROPHYLL

14 14 06/11/2002 QUALITY CHECKS All the data have been checked for quality according to the IOC/ICES and MAST recommendations:  QCO : Automatic check of the format  QC1 : Automatic and visual check of the headers and dupplicates  QC2 : Automatic and visual check of the data points As a result, the redundant data are eliminated and a quality flag is added to each numerical value (GTSPP flag scale) 1 9 0 1 2 34 59 No QC Correct Inconsistent Doubtful Bad ChangedMissing

15 15 06/11/2002 Automatic ChecksResult Duplicate data sets: E DateE or Ship velocity E or Location/shoreline E or Bottom sounding (ETOPO5) E= Elimination = Correction/Interpolation = Flag «Inconsistant with statistics» - no correction QC-1 : check of the time, location & duplicates

16 16 06/11/2002 QC-2 : check of the data points Automatic ChecksResult Pressure + one more observation (E) Out of the regional scale (min & max values) Increasing pressure Data below the bottom depth Coherence with pre-existing statistics mean & standard deviation (LEVITUS, MODB, MEDATLAS) No constant profiles Spikes Vertical stability E= Elimination

17 17 06/11/2002 Regional Assembling & QC Implementation

18 18 06/11/2002 Result of the Quality Checks GOOD FALSEDOUBTFULOUT OF STATISTICS NO QC

19 19 06/11/2002 CLIMATOLOGY – Objective analysis  Computation of Climatological Analysis by Variational Inverse Model (VIM) algorithms  Computation made on finite elements and then re-interpolated on a regular grid (0.2 degrees in Latitude and Longitude)  T, S and bio-chemical climatology reviewed by regional experts and modellers

20 20 06/11/2002 CLIMATOLOGY  Annual, seasonal and monthly climatology  Temperature, Salinity  Annual and seasonal  Oxygen, Silicate, Phosphate  Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S) in the Black Sea  Annual only  Nitrate, Nitrite, PH, Ammonium, Alkalinity, Chlorophyll  No climatology  Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen

21 21 06/11/2002 CLIMATOLOGY : SOME EXAMPLES 2500 horizontal sections and stations location

22 22 06/11/2002

23 23 06/11/2002 VERTICAL SECTIONS 2500 vertical sections and surface zoom

24 24 06/11/2002 DATA PRODUCT A SET OF 4 CD-ROMS  CD-ROM 2  Observed data and SELMED tool for extraction and visualization. Export formats are MEDATLAS, CSV, ODV  CD-ROM 3  Gridded climatology : Mediterranean sea and Western Mediterranean basins (maps, figures, numerical fields)  CD-ROM 4  Gridded climatology : Black Sea and Eastern – Central Mediterranean basins (maps, figures, numerical fields)  CD-ROM 1  HTML documentation on the project and its results  Cruise inventory

25 25 06/11/2002 CD-ROM2 : Observations Database  Total 285 879 multi-disciplinary profiles - A regional contribution to GODAR  SELMED tool for data extraction and visualization Export formats are MEDATLAS (with full meta-data), CSV (simplified format for Excel) or ODV (simplified format for import in WOCE Ocean Data View software)

26 26 06/11/2002

27 27 06/11/2002

28 28 06/11/2002 CONCLUSIONS  The wide international cooperation has made possible the realization of a comprehensive integrated data base which:  Doubles the volume of available observation data compared with the previous 1997 release  Gives information on the sources, the related cruises and the quality control methodology  Provides improved annual and seasonal gridded climatologogical fields valuable for scientific purposes like model initialisation and engineering studies in the Mediterranean & Black sea regions  Offers an easy access to the users and simple selection and visualisation tools  Furthermore, sharing expertise and knowhow among the partners, has contributed to :  Improve and standardize the data management methodologies  Enhance the whole MEDAR network as a distributed data management infrastructure, trained in data qualifying, processing, mapping, archiving and communication

29 29 06/11/2002 NEW PERSPECTIVES & TASKS TO MADE  MEDAR Database needs to be regularly updated by integrating : 1) data collected in recent cruises and data collected in real time by automatic systems 2) other important parameters such as pCO2 and current  MEDAR proposes to provide a direct access to the integrated data sets through a live access server on internet  The regular publication on electronic support should continue  Interface with other data servers shloud be provided More information on MEDAR on the distributed WWW site:

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