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APES year in review Chapter 4 The test will be long, 48 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions, so begin when you get to class!

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Presentation on theme: "APES year in review Chapter 4 The test will be long, 48 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions, so begin when you get to class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 APES year in review Chapter 4 The test will be long, 48 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions, so begin when you get to class!

2 Why do we need the ozone layer?

3 Why do we need the ozone layer? To block harmful UV rays from the sun

4 Which chemicals were responsible for destroying the ozone layer?

5 Which chemicals were responsible for destroying the ozone layer? Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) from air conditioners, aerosol cans and the manufacture of Styrofoam.

6 Which side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains will support giant sequoias, a redwood tree species that requires abundant precipitation? wind

7 Which side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains will support giant sequoias, a redwood tree species that requires abundant precipitation? West Side (windward) wind

8 List 3 to 6 factors which influence the climate of an area.

9 List 3 to 6 factors which influence the climate of an area. Latitude, topography, winds, currents, coriolis Effect, distance to water, elevation, season

10 Which latitude is going to get the most direct sunlight?

11 Which latitude is going to get the most direct sunlight? 0°

12 Which latitude is going to get the least direct sunlight?

13 Which latitude is going to get the least direct sunlight? 90°

14 LATITUDE 32 34 36 38 40 42 A B C Which site would likely be warmest?

15 LATITUDE 32 34 36 38 40 42 C Which site would likely be warmest?

16 LATITUDE 32 34 36 38 40 42 A B C Which site would likely be coolest?

17 LATITUDE 32 34 36 38 40 42 A Which site would likely be coolest?

18 North Pole vs. Equator Q: Where is sun most intense on this figure? A B

19 North Pole vs. Equator Q: Where is sun most intense on this figure? A

20 What is the name of this effect? YLHS

21 Rainshadow Effect YLHS

22 Which letter is near a warm current and how does that affect its climate? A B C

23 C, it makes it warmer A B C

24 Name zone A and is this cold or warm water? winds upwelling A B

25 Abyssal or midnight zone. Cold. Which letter has the most nutrient rich water? winds upwelling A B

26 A. Benthic zone. Which letter/zone has the most abundant marine life? winds upwelling A B

27 A. Which letter has the most plankton? winds upwelling A B

28 A. Which letter has the most plankton? B winds upwelling A B

29 Look at the picture below and identify the season in the northern hemisphere.

30 Look at the picture below and identify the season in the northern hemisphere. winter

31 Which way do winds and currents curve in the northern hemisphere? A B

32 Which way do winds and currents curve in the northern hemisphere? A To the right A

33  Is Fair Weather  High or low pressure?

34  High pressure = Dry Weather

35 Where do phytoplankton live?

36 In the photic zone

37  Where are most tropical rainforests found?

38  Where are most tropical rainforests found? Equator

39  What global wind system blows between 60 and 90 degrees?

40  Polar easterlies.

41 6. Name the global wind located at the smiley face: 90° 0°0° 60° 30°

42 6. Name the global wind located at the smiley face: trade winds 90° 0°0° 60° 30°

43 9. Name the ocean zone with the smiley face.

44 9. Name the ocean zone with the smiley face. Aphotic zone

45 21. Determine if the current at the smiley face is a warm current or a cold current.


47 What would happen to the climate of western Europe if the Gulf Stream shut down?

48 What would happen to the climate of western Europe if the Gulf Stream shut down? Get colder, less precipitation

49 13. Which point is warmer, A or B? A B

50 A B

51 14. Which point is warmer, A or B? A B

52 A B

53 15. Which temperature profile is like the stratosphere’s temperature profile?

54 15.Which temperature profile is like the stratosphere’s temperature profile? Thermosphere

55 16. Which temperature profile is like the troposphere’s temperature profile?

56 16. Which temperature profile is like the troposphere’s temperature profile? Troposphere

57 17. Which layer has concentrated ozone that blocks UV light?

58 17. Which layer has concentrated ozone that blocks UV light? Stratosphere

59 18. Which layer blocks ultra violet rays?

60 18. Which layer blocks ultra violet rays? stratosphere

61 What has higher air pressure, the top of a mountain or the bottom of a mountain?

62 What has higher air pressure, the top of a mountain or the bottom of a mountain? Bottom

63 What has higher air pressure, the bottom of the troposphere or the tropopause?

64 What has higher air pressure, the bottom of the troposphere or the tropopause? Bottom of troposphere

65 What is the basis for dividing the atmosphere into 4 layers?

66 What is the basis for dividing the atmosphere into 4 layers? Change in Temperature trends (pauses)

67 What layer of the atmosphere has the most ozone?


69 What is ozone?

70 What is ozone? A molecule of 3 oxygen atoms

71 What does ozone block?

72 What does ozone block? UV rays.

73 Name two latitudes that usually have weather dominated by high pressure systems.

74 Name two latitudes that usually have weather dominated by high pressure systems. 30º and 90º

75 What is albedo?

76 What is albedo? A measure of a materials reflectiveness

77 What factors are used to classify a biome?

78 What factors are used to classify a biome? Temperature and precipitation and plants and soil

79 Which has bigger trees, the tundra or the boreal forest?

80 Which has bigger trees, the tundra or the boreal forest? Why?

81 Which has bigger trees, the tundra or the boreal forest? Why? Boreal forest has a longer growing season (more light and precip because it is at a lower latitude)

82 Which biome has plants with small leaves to minimize evapotranspiration?

83 Which biome has plants with small leaves to minimize evapotranspiration? desert

84 What latitude has the greatest fluctuation in monthly NPP?

85 What latitude has the greatest fluctuation in monthly NPP? 90° Why?

86 What latitude has the greatest fluctuation in monthly NPP? 90° Why? It has the greatest fluctuation in daylight hours

87 What effect is increasing the NPP in the red coastal areas below?

88 What effect is increasing the NPP in the red coastal areas below? upwelling

89 Which zone of a lake has the lowest NPP?

90 Which zone of a lake has the lowest NPP? Profundal or benthic zone

91 Some whales get 25% of their nutrients from benthic invertebrates. If one whale eats 500 kilograms of food a day, how many kilograms of benthic invertebrates are eaten by a pod of 5 whales in 4 days?

92 0.25 x 500 kg/day =125 kg per day 125 kg/day *5 whales = 625 kg per whale 625 kg per whale * 5 whales = 3125 kg

93 Is this the windward or leeward side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in CA?


95 Which is the windward side? B A

96 Which is the windward side? A B A

97 Which city is in a tropical rain forest?

98 Which city is in a tropical rain forest? A

99 Where should you put the temperate rain forests?


101 Which 2 cities are in a rain shadow desert?

102 Westerlies

103 Which city is on the windward side of a mountain?

104 Westerlies

105 Which city is likely influenced by a cold current in the northern hemisphere?

106 Which city is likely influenced by a cold current in the northern hemisphere? H

107 Which city is likely influenced by a cold current in the southern hemisphere?

108 Which city is likely influenced by a cold current in the southern hemisphere? G

109 Which city is likely influenced by a warm current in the northern hemisphere?

110 Which city is likely influenced by a warm current in the northern hemisphere? B

111 Which city is going to get the most daylight hours in June?


113 Which tropical city would likely get snow?


115 After you color in all the tropical and temperate rain forests and the deserts, what should the other areas be?

116 After you color in all the tropical and temperate rain forests and the deserts, what should the other areas be? Grasslands

117 What latitude has deserts and why?

118 What latitude has deserts and why? 30º N and 30º S because of the high pressure air.

119 What latitude has rain forests and why?

120 What latitude has rain forests and why? 0º N because of low pressure

121  Figure 9-5a Global air circulation

122 Rain shadow Figure 9-6 Rain shadow

123 Layers of the Atmosphere  Troposphere ---------Tropopause  Stratosphere --------- Stratopause  Mesosphere --------- Mesopause  Thermosphere

124 Composition of the troposphere 78% N 2 20% O 2 Less than 2% H 2 O vapor (.01%-4%) Argon gas (1%) CO 2 (0.04%) Trace gases

125 Global warming  Global warming occurs when humans contribute too much of these greenhouse gases leading to a small (1-3 degree C) but significant rise in the global average temperature.  Analogy – Car on a sunny day The greenhouse effect is natural and important to deep the earth warm enough for life to exist

126 Ozone (O 3 ) Stratospheric ozone is GOOD It shields us from the harmful UVB rays of the sun. Ozone depletion is the thinning of the stratospheric ozone shield (mostly over the South Pole, Australia story) Analogy – Stratospheric O 3 is like sunscreen for the earth. Tropospheric ozone is BAD If we breath it, it causes lung damage It is also a greenhouse gas

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