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3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 MOBILITY OF STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS AND UNIVERSITY EDUCATORS Dr. Andreas Mallouppas Director of Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 MOBILITY OF STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS AND UNIVERSITY EDUCATORS Dr. Andreas Mallouppas Director of Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 MOBILITY OF STUDENTS, RESEARCHERS AND UNIVERSITY EDUCATORS Dr. Andreas Mallouppas Director of Administration and Finance Cyprus University of Technology

2 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 SMALL STATE ENVIRONMENT “All your eggs in one basket” “Jacks of all trades and masters of all [none]” Some comparisons: DE 200 Unis, UK 140 Unis, NL 16 Unis MT 1 Uni, CY 6 Unis Universities in small countries cannot afford to fail!!!

3 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 INTERNATIONAL. COLLABORATION -(1) “You do not have to be big to be beautiful” BUT “If your small you MUST be beautiful” Small countries:  Limited human and material resources  Limited funding and “local” market  Limited spectrum of “niche activities” Need to overcome disadvantages of scale

4 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION “ Which came first the Chicken or the Egg?” Which comes first international collaboration or a research idea? They are: “Two sides of the same coin” Need to be successful in both Need efficient administrative infrastructure Need effective Quality Assurance systems (Bologna) Need to establish Benchmarks and Performance Indicators Need to have International Collaboration and Research under one administrative unit

5 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 WORKING ENVIRONMENT Have to establish competitive advantage in selected niche areas and harness to the full the use of e-technology & culture Have to identify the required IT technology Have to identify the required dexterities of the administrative staff involved, particularly in the International Office as well as the Research Office

6 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT Survive in an Aggressive and Competitive Environment Exploit Opportunities - Avoid Threats Enter partnerships with tangible returns Establish local stakeholder support Promote Private/Public Partnerships Ensure international visibility

7 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 MOBILITY Need to:  reduce barriers to mobility, particularly for researchers  attract third country researchers, particularly in niche areas  enter large scale established research projects  mobility based on research deliverables and/or learning outcomes (benchmarks-ECTS)

8 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Nicosia, 04 April 2008 CONCLUSIONS Cannot cover ALL the range of activities Be selective and in areas where you can excel Need to be much better, in a wider range of activities, than corresponding individuals in bigger countries Essential to react proactively to new situations/policies than follow events

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