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Hamlet Media Assignment Part One  Hamlet Media Activity: Part One  We are going to be using a Web 2.0 tool called Bitstrips For Schools. Your first.

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Presentation on theme: "Hamlet Media Assignment Part One  Hamlet Media Activity: Part One  We are going to be using a Web 2.0 tool called Bitstrips For Schools. Your first."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hamlet Media Assignment Part One  Hamlet Media Activity: Part One  We are going to be using a Web 2.0 tool called Bitstrips For Schools. Your first task is to login to Bitstrips and set up your Avatar. Follow these steps for success:Bitstrips For Schools  Go to Bitstrips for SchoolsBitstrips for Schools  In the Class Code box, type RomeoENG  From the drop - down menu, select your name.  Use your eLearning password in Bitstrips as well. Easier to remember!  Start the first activity, which is creating your Avatar!

3 Part Two  Your task will be to recreate one key scene from Hamlet by adapting it as a comic using BitstripsforSchools.  To start, you need to review the FIVE key elements of a Graphic Novel as described in Tuesday’s Adobe Connect Lesson.

4 Success Criteria Your finished product must:  represent a key scene or a significant PART of a key scene. You need to include the three key lines from the scene (your pick!) and paraphrase and sumamrize the rest of the dialogue in your own words.  The characters should be well represented through your Bitstrips avatars. Note that you can use avatars created by your classmates.  Spend time developing your "set"! The backgrounds should be consistent and feel authentic.  Take the time to ensure that you make use of the Five Key Graphic Novel Elements: Inference, Time, Space, Lines, Colour.  Your finished product should be between 10 and 15 frames in length.

5 The Graphic Novel Tutorial! In this tutorial you will learn about these five key elements of graphic novels and comics: – Inferencing – Time – Lines – Show and Tell – Colour

6 Element#1: Inferencing Infer (verb): to deduce or conclude; to imply, to suggest (Oxford Reference Dictionary) Graphic Novels depend on your ability to infer and support your comprehension with visuals

7 “The Gutter” The space, or column, between the frames is known as “The Gutter” What happens in this gutter? The READER is required to complete the story We use INFERENCE to fill in the missing event

8 Element # 2 - Time (Select the best answer) A. Each comic panel shows a single moment in time? B. Time in comics is infinitely weird? C. Words introduce time by representing that which can only exist in time – sound?

9 The answer is “C” Not because it was the longest answer Or because “when in doubt, choose ‘C’” Although “B” was a good answer too! “C”: Words introduce time by representing that which can only exist in time – sound

10 Consider this panel and time:

11 And this one?

12 How about this one? How long is the pause?

13 You can make more “time”. One obvious way is to add more panels…

14 Or you can make the panel frame longer…

15 Even more complex is the use of a borderless panel which can take on a subtle timeless quality…

16 Or less subtle when a panel “bleeds” off the edge of a page such as this one. Time is no longer contained.

17 Element#3: Lines The idea that a picture can evoke an emotional or sensual response in the viewer is vital to the art of comics This interpretation depends on the reader for analysis

18 Lines and Emotion MADNESS?

19 Lines and Emotion ANGER?

20 Lines and Emotion SOUND?

21 Even temperature?

22 Lines and Emotion TASTE?

23 By direction alone, a line changes…

24 Not only a picture, these lines are a visual metaphor – a symbol Lines capture emotions and movement!

25 Element#4: Show and Tell Combining visuals with language is a powerful combination

26 Evolution of the “Comic”

27 Show, Don’t Tell Think back to the lesson of the Gutter. Comics can engage the reader in imaginative experiences that text alone might not.

28 Element#5: Colour In the beginning, comics were printed in bright, primary colours to save money. Unfortunately, this is how many people think of comics, even today.

29 This actually led to an iconic power because heroes’ costumes remained the same, panel after panel, the colours came to symbolize characters in the readers’ mind. Blue costume + Red “S” = ?Green + Angry = ?

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