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3  User Name = district email  (unless determined otherwise)  Password = sunny12

4 Suspensions ~ Un- suspend a student whose comprehension score is either scored too low or clicked too fast. They will receive a message to see their teacher. Awards ~ Students who leveled up receive a message they have earned an award that can be printed and earn a free dress pass!

5  Focus upon SR and RA  SR = See Reader (comprehension)  RA = Read Around (vocabulary)

6 1.Class Reports show student progress as a whole 2.Student Reports

7 Start Up ~ Students need to only access SR in order to get 2 Combos of 80% Click on a student name for individual progress. Students can work in teams until Start-up is complete.

8 Content Level = Grade level comprehension 1 = First Grade 2 = Second 3 = Third 4 = Fourth 5 = Fifth 6 = Sixth 7 = Seventh 8 = Eighth Screening Report = This student tested out at a Comp. Level 3.0 on the placement test, but is only in level 2. Once out of Start-up, student settings can be adjusted.

9 This can only be done once students are out of Start-up  Click on Student name. Report is the default screen ◦ This where you can view how many lessons are complete, average comprehension, Lexile level, etc.  Select Settings Tab ◦ Student Info. is default screen ◦ Here you see user-name & password is blocked out. You can delete the cover to expose their password  Instructional Assignments ◦ Here you can change the number of SR or RA lessons required for the week. You can also block IB (I Balance / Eye Tracking)

10 This can only be done once students are out of Start-up  Program Settings ◦ You can increase the student comprehension level and G Rate  This student’s Insight assessment placed him in Level E, but remained in Start-up so long he is now performing at Level A with a G Rate (guided) of 50 words per minute.  Changes were made raising the Comp. Level to HiE & 150 /minute 

11 This can only be done once students are out of Start-up Instructional Assignments ◦ Custom Assignments can adjust the number of lessons required per week.

12 Identifies how much time students have participated within the program  Return to home screen, then class reports, drop down to Instructional Summary

13  Skill Report ~ Identifies student instructional needs ◦ Offline Instructional Material can be found: sheets/

14  This report displays an overview of all work accomplished by students

15  Students need to be responsible for monitoring their own progress. resources/teacher-resources resources/teacher-resources  Forms are found resources/teacher-resources / resources/teacher-resources /

16  Explicit explanations of reports, student tracking forms, and skill sheets can be found by clicking on the Help button in the top right corner of the page.

17 Identify students still in Start-Up. What are your plans to move students? How many Combos do these students need to achieve to move? Who can the Start-up students partner with to ensure movement? Adjusting Student Settings Review individual student data & settings ◦ Adjust students whose G-Rate is too slow ◦ Which students can be manually leveled up? ◦ Which students have time to complete more lessons? ◦ Which students need to complete vocabulary lessons?

18  Review Class Reports ◦ Are students achieving the required 2 hours of instruction per week as seen in the Class Instructional Summary? ◦ Are students completing the number of required assignments per week as seen in the Class Assignment Report? ◦ Which skills do my students lack according to Class Skill Report? Can I utilize online resources for support?


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