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#HASummit14 Session H: Our Most Advanced Customers: How to Meet the Growing Demands of Increased Success Ross Gustafson Vice President, Allina Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "#HASummit14 Session H: Our Most Advanced Customers: How to Meet the Growing Demands of Increased Success Ross Gustafson Vice President, Allina Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 #HASummit14 Session H: Our Most Advanced Customers: How to Meet the Growing Demands of Increased Success Ross Gustafson Vice President, Allina Performance Resources, Health Catalyst Cindy Bero Corporate Director, Information Systems, Partners HealthCare Facilitator: Steve Barlow Co-founder and Executive Vice President of Client Operations, Health Catalyst Yohan Vetteth Vice President, Data and Analytics, Stanford Health Care

2 #HASummit14 Poll Question #1 Which best describes your organization’s treatment of data assets? Data in our organization is considered: a)Necessary primarily for regulatory reporting b)Useful primarily for operational reporting c)Helpful for outcomes improvement and operational efficiency but is not strategically managed d)A valuable strategic asset and is managed like other important asset such as revenue, human resources, or facilities e)Other f)Unsure or not applicable

3 #HASummit14 Poll Question #2 Which best describes your organization’s governance or prioritization process for analytical projects? a)Non-existent or very fragmented b)No centralization – it is handled by each department c)Is a combination of departmental and central prioritization but not universally understood d)A universally understood process with a clear focus on strategic priorities and a separate process to handle tactical priorities e)Other f)Unsure or not applicable

4 #HASummit14 Poll Question #3 Data provisioning organizational structure: Which functional area does the EDW / data provisioning function report to? a)Information technology b)Quality improvement c)Finance d)Corporate strategy e)Other operational area (fill in your answer) f)Unsure or not applicable

5 #HASummit14 Poll Question #4 Data consumption organizational structure: Is your reporting and analytics function centralized or decentralized? a)All reporting and analytic resources are centralized b)All reporting and analytic resources are decentralized c)A combination of centralized and decentralized d)Other (fill in your answer) e)Unsure or not applicable

6 #HASummit14 Lessons Learned 1.Be deliberate about building a data-driven culture which views data or information as a strategic asset. 2.Avoid allowing tactical and operational reporting to compete with strategic imperatives. 3.Consider a balance of centralized and distributed resources. a.Centralize data provisioning, governance, and strategic analytics. b.Distribute insight delivery. c.Establish analytics user groups.

7 #HASummit14 Analytic Insights A Questions & Answers 7

8 #HASummit14 Choose one thing… 8 Write down one thing will you do differently after hearing this presentation

9 #HASummit14 Thank You 9

10 #HASummit14 10 Session Feedback Survey 1.On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you overall with this session? 1)Not at all satisfied 2)Somewhat satisfied 3)Moderately satisfied 4)Very satisfied 5)Extremely satisfied 2.What feedback or suggestions do you have?

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