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Risk analysis

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1 Risk analysis

2 Risk analysis (engineering) 1 Risk analysis is the science of risks and their probability and evaluation.

3 Risk analysis (engineering) - Risk analysis and the risk workshop 1 Risk analysis should be performed as part of the risk management process for each project. The data of which would be based on risk discussion workshops to identify potential issues and risks ahead of time before these were to pose cost and/ or schedule negative impacts (see the article on Cost contingency for a discussion of the estimation of cost impacts).

4 Risk analysis (engineering) - Risk analysis and the risk workshop 1 The outcome of the risk analysis would be the creation or review of the risk register to identify and quantify risk elements to the project and their potential impact.

5 Asset (computer security) - Risk analysis 1 When performing risk analysis it is important to weigh how much to spend protecting each asset against the cost of losing the asset. It is also important to take into account the chance of each loss occurring. Intangible costs must also be factored in. If a hacker makes a copy of all a company's Creditcard numbers it does not cost them anything directly but the loss in fines and reputation can be enormous.

6 Risk analysis (business) 1 'Risk analysis' is a technique used to identify and assess factors that may jeopardize the success of a project or achieving a goal.

7 Risk analysis (business) 1 One of the more popular methods to perform a risk analysis in the computer field is called facilitated risk analysis process (FRAP).

8 Risk analysis (business) - Facilitated risk analysis process 1 * without assumptions there is little risk analysis

9 Risk analysis (business) - Facilitated risk analysis process 1 Combined with the decrease in the potential customer base, specialization risk can be significant for a software firm. After probabilities of scenarios have been calculated with risk analysis, the process of risk management can be applied to help manage the risk.

10 Risk analysis (business) - Facilitated risk analysis process 1 Methods like applied information economics add to and improve on risk analysis methods by introducing procedures to adjust subjective probabilities, compute the value of additional information and to use the results in part of a larger Investment management|portfolio management problem.

11 IEC 61508 - Hazard and Risk Analysis 1 The standard advises that 'Either qualitative or quantitative hazard and risk analysis techniques may be used' and offers guidance on a number of approaches. One of these, for the qualitative analysis of hazards, is a framework based on 6 categories of likelihood of occurrence and 4 of consequence.

12 Society for Risk Analysis 1 The 'Society for Risk Analysis' (SRA) is a learned society providing an open forum for anyone interested in risk analysis. The concepts of risk have challenged the minds of many of history's greatest mathematicians and scientists. The roots of risk analysis can be traced back to before Greek and Roman times. Yet modern-day risk analysis remains a relatively young field.

13 Society for Risk Analysis 1 In early 1979, Robert B. Cumming recognized the growing need for risk researchers and practitioners to publish their work in a dedicated scientific journal. This led to the formation of an organization to support such a journal, with the certificate of incorporation for the SRA made official on August 28, 1980. The first issue of Risk Analysis (journal)|Risk Analysis appeared in March 1981 and is now published by Wiley- Blackwell.

14 Society for Risk Analysis 1 SRA broadly defines risk analysis to include risk assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to risk. The society's interests include: risks to human health and the environment, both built and natural; threats from physical, chemical, and biological agents and from a variety of human activities as well as natural events; and risks of concern to individuals, to public and private sector organizations, and to society at various geographic scales.

15 Food safety risk analysis 1 But sometimes, not even well-trained staff can handle some issues and therefore support of an independent consultant is necessary.[$department/d eptdocs.nsf/all/afs12301/$FILE/appendix_ d_web.pdf Government of Alberta, Agriculture and Rural Development:Appendix D - Food Safety Risk analysis

16 Food safety risk analysis - Risk analysis 1 [] About Risk Analysis in Food

17 Food safety risk analysis - Risk management 1 [ 822e00.pdf] Food Safety Risk Analysis: A Guide for National Food Safety Authorities

18 Food safety risk analysis - Risk communication 1 Risk communication is defined for the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius Commission as The interactive exchange of information and opinions throughout the risk analysis process concerning hazards and risks, risk-related factors and risk perceptions, among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers, industry, the academic community and other interested parties, including the explanation of risk assessment findings and the basis of risk management decisions.

19 ISPL - Situation and risk analysis 1 The analysis sub-process is divided into a situation analysis followed by a risk analysis.

20 ISPL - Risk analysis 1 In the #Situation analysis, complexity and uncertainty values have been attributed to each of the situational factors. In the Risk Analysis, these values are used to identify the possible risks and their probability. Examples of possible risks for the customer business are unpredictable/increased costs for the business, delays in system delivery and poor quality of service or system.

21 Comparison of risk analysis Microsoft Excel add-ins 1 The following is a comparison of the features of various spreadsheet risk analysis add-in packages available. Decision-making software is reviewed separately.

22 Frontex - Risk Analysis Reports 1 FRONTEX's key institution with respect to intelligence and risk assessment is its Risk Analysis Unit (RAU) and the FRONTEX Risk Analysis Network (FRAN), via which the FRONTEX staff is cooperating with security experts from the Member States

23 Return period - Risk analysis 1 Return period is useful for risk analysis (such as natural, inherent, or hydrologic risk of failure).Water Resources Engineering, 2005 Edition, John Wiley Sons, Inc, 2005. When dealing with structure design expectations, the return period is useful in calculating the riskiness of the structure.

24 For More Information, Visit: m/the-risk-analysis-toolkit.html m/the-risk-analysis-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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