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Carbonates The other white meat….. Processes that affect compositionally controlled marine facies 1.Influx of terrigenous sediment 2.Rate of organic productivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbonates The other white meat….. Processes that affect compositionally controlled marine facies 1.Influx of terrigenous sediment 2.Rate of organic productivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbonates The other white meat….

2 Processes that affect compositionally controlled marine facies 1.Influx of terrigenous sediment 2.Rate of organic productivity Siliciclastic deposition occurs when 1 > 2 Carbonate deposition occurs when 2 > 1

3 Distinctive characteristics of carbonate marine facies Carbonate allochems are typically not transported far from their source (i.e. they have local provenance). Carbonate allochems are mostly biogenous.

4 Major carbonate facies Biostrom Bioherm –Hermatypic organisms –Reef Platforms Ramps

5 Modern biogenous carbonate producers Chlorozoan facies –Anthozoa and calcareous green algae Foramol facies –Benthic foraminifera, mollusks, cirrepedia, bryozoa, rhodophyta

6 Controls on Carbonate Deposition 1. Latitude –Controls temperature Temperature controls secretion and growth Cold H 2 O increases solubility (increases CO 2 solubility, therefore increases carbonic acid)

7 Surface sea temperatures Polar <5 ºC Subpolar 5-10 ºC Temperate 10-25 ºC Subtropical 15-30 ºC Tropical >25 ºC

8 Major carbonate production occurs in the 20-25 ºC isotherm (Approx 30º North to 30º South latitude) 23-27 ºC = ideal for biogenic carbonate formation –Minimum temp = 18 ºC (dormancy of chlorozoan secretion) –Maximum temp = 30 ºC (cessation of secretion, often death)

9 Latitude control on non-skeletal allochems Oöids/Grapestones Oncoids Peloids Intraclasts Oolith/grapestone Peloid Absent 0º0º Pole 50º 30º Non-skeletal Allochems

10 Modern cold-water carbonate producers (non cor-algal) Occur in temperate to subpolar regions –Ostrea spp., serpulids, brachiopods, etc. Chlorozoan Foramol 0º0ºPole 50º 30º Skeletal Associations

11 Survival of selected cor-algal producers Solenastrea spp. occurs in 10 ºC waters offshore N. Carolina Porites spp. can tolerate temps to 40 ºC (very hardy, initial colonizer after hurricanes)

12 Latitude also controls Upwelling (abundance of dissolved nutrients) Biodiversity Ambient solar radiation Reflection and refraction (less red-yellow at higher latitudes)

13 2. Siliciclastic supply Fouls carbonate-producing tissues (e.g. mesenteries, mantles, etc.) Inhibits organic productivity

14 3. Depth Controls photic zone –eulittoral (<20 m) to sublittoral (around 200 m) –Carbonate production hinges on photosynthesis and photosynthethic symbionts (e.g. Zooxanthellae) Colonial hermatypics common in photic zone Solitary carbonate-producers typify greater depths Controls evaporation in upper water column

15 4. Salinity Balance between evaporation and precipitation/influx of H 2 O Varies with latitude Osmotic flow from saline to FW Rapid ∆ = extinction Slo ∆ = adaptation 0º0º Pole 50º 30º 36 37 36 35 3433 35 Salinity ‰

16 5. Turbulence and Substratum Current velocity Wave energy Hardgrounds and stability Spur and Groove Whitings

17 6. Nutrients Concentrated in areas of upwelling

18 Reef Development Rigid framework, “impediment to travel” Modify their own environment Bioherms (contain biolithite or boundstone)

19 back reef or lagoon reef flat reef crest or algal ridge reef front wall fore reef patch reef spur & groove higher salinity more delicate morphologies massive leafy Wave EnergyTides dominate

20 Controls for reef development a. Hermatypic organisms –high growth rate –encrust and bind –two types clonal (e.g. corals, bryozoans) rapid ontogeny (eg. Ostrea)

21 Controls for reef development b. water depth progradation build to MLW ∆ sea level catch-up keep-up drowning exposure

22 Controls for reef development c. water circulation, currents, nutrients –controlled by tectonics coriolis force latitude upwellings

23 Origins of micrite Dominate backreef and lagoon Micritization –Endolithic fungii Aragonite needles –calcareous algae –recrystallize easilly Whitings –fish stir up bottom –bacteria (USGS)

24 Diagenetic Environments Vadose (zone of aeration) –either Meteoric (FW) or Marine Phreatic (FW) Phreatic (zone of FW-Marine mixing) Phreatic (Marine)

25 Cement and Environment EnvironmentCement Composition Cement Morphology Characteristics Vadose low Mg CC = FW Mg enriched CC = marine pendant meniscus fm of vuggy porosity pref dissoln arag calcrete and rhizocretions pisoids Phreatic (FW) equant isopachous drusy bladed spar syntaxial overgrowths active circulation = rapid cementation stagnant = little or no cementation Phreatic (mixing) Dolomiterecrystallization, cuts across grain boundaries only one method of dolomite formation Phreatic (Marine) aragonite Mg enriched CC isopachous fibrous stagnant = slo to none active = mesh of needles micritization Mg

26 reef

27 0º0º Pole 50º 30º 0º0º Pole 50º 30º 36 37 36 35 3433 35 Salinity ‰ Chlorozoan Foramol 0º0º Pole 50º 30º Skeletal Associations Oolith/grapestone Peloid Absent 0º0º Pole 50º 30º Non-skeletal Allochems teepee diagrams

28 bOrilnk

29 backreef

30 porites and octocorals

31 porites and octocorals2

32 patch reef and divers

33 acropora palmata and solenastrea

34 millipora and meanderina

35 crinoid

36 porites

37 lagoon and ray

38 sponge in lagoon

39 lagoon and ray2

40 calcareous algae in lagoon

41 serpulid and calc algae

42 lagoon

43 urchins in thallassia meadow

44 thallassia meadow

45 calc algae in meadow

46 urchin

47 chlorphytic algae

48 backreef lagoon and hardground with aeolianites

49 beachrock

50 backreef lagoon and hardground with aeolianites2

51 beach and lagoon

52 fossil brain coral cockburnetown reef

53 ss fossil reef along axis

54 Eleuthera Key beach to wall

55 san salv key from air

56 I-80 Siluriun Reef

57 bear lake

58 Dev Cols ls stroms at lake erie

59 Shingle Pass, Egan Range

60 83la dolo sequence

61 cockburnetown fossil reef flat

62 blank picture





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