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European Shared Treasure Online system Technical details on data management.

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1 European Shared Treasure Online system Technical details on data management

2 EST Data Management EST data can be searched or browsed from the EST European home page:

3 EST Data Management EST Data are: –stored in each NA server –replicated in a central database Each NA manage its EST national database and has complete information only about its beneficiaries The central database is updated periodically (once per day) by each national database

4 National database Each NA pre-fill the national EST db using LLPLink2EST Data come from the national LLPLink When beneficiaries access their partnerships, they read/write accessing the national EST database In particular, the partner list displayed in the input form comes from the national LLPLink and it is the snapshot of the partnership as it is in that moment and in that national LLPLink NA1 EST DB NA LLPLINK DB 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-1 PARTNER LIST NA1 Partner NA2 Partner NA3 Partner LLPLink2EST

5 Public search NA2 EST server 2008-1-AT1- COM06-00012-6 NA2 ….. 2009-1-IT2- COM06-00012- 6 NA1 ….. A daemon on public search server periodically queries local servers to update its data EST Web Service retrieves XML files from local servers NA2 EST server Central EST server

6 NA1 EST DB NA3 EST DBNA2 EST DB Central EST DB 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-1 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-22008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-3 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-1 PARTNER LIST NA1 Partner NA2 Partner NA3 Partner Public search workflow Public search server: retrieves data from each local server rebuilds partner list and results and show them to the user

7 Partner list mismatch The strategy we use to populate the central EST db can lead to a mismatch between the partner list shown in the beneficiaries’ input page and the partner list displayed on the public search page Why?

8 Partner list mismatch For example in the above partnership many partners are missing in the search page compared with the partner list on the input page According to LLPLink, those partners have been rejected or cancelled after the export was performed.

9 Partner list mismatch One partner (let’s name it A) may have been approved and rejected (or cancelled or..) sometime later If the NA performs the export from LLPLink to EST when A is approved, it will be displayed in the partner list If the NA performs the export AFTER A is rejected, A will not be shown on the public search page because the partnership is rebuilt by EST system However A will be still visible in the partner list on the input page, until the coordinator NA performs a new export

10 Partner list mismatch Same problem can happen also for different reasons For example: –Issues in LLPLink replication service –Local NA server temporarily down or not reachable

11 NA1 EST DB NA3 EST DBNA2 EST DB Public search DB 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-1 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-2 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011-3 2008-1-IT2-COM06-00011 PARTNER LIST NA1 Partner NA2 Partner NA3 Partner – MISSING! Not working server scenario If NA3 server is not available: Data (partnerships and results) from NA3 are not available in the public search DB Partnerships with partners from NA3 are incomplete in the public search

12 Summary Data of the application are exported from LLPLink into the local EST db The Public search database periodically retrieves data from each NA EST db and rebuilds the partner list and the results input by beneficiaries The results of the public search come from the public search db For the above reasons the partner list on the input page may differ from the partners shown on public search page

13 Proposal Eliminate the partner list from beneficiaries page.

14 European Shared Treasure Online system Technical details on data management

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