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TRIALOG: Strengthening CSOs in EU12/AC for active engagement in Global Development.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIALOG: Strengthening CSOs in EU12/AC for active engagement in Global Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIALOG: Strengthening CSOs in EU12/AC for active engagement in Global Development

2 TRIALOG 2000-2012 WEST EU15 EAST EU12/AC SOUTH Developing Countries Trialogue between:

3 Overall objective  Deeper awareness and stronger involvement of CSOs from EU12 and AC in global learning and in efforts towards global poverty eradication. Specific objective  strengthened and empowered national platforms and their members for their effective engagement in global development education and raising public awareness.

4 DEAR in EU12 General situation:  Low public awareness on development issues  Little funding available for DEAR activities  Only starting multi-stakeholder processes  Responsibility for DEAR not clearly defined (MFA, MoE, agency, teachers/schools etc.)  DEAR working groups in all national CSO platforms  Increasing communication with state representatives (ministries, EU parlamentarians etc.)

5 National DEAR/GE strategies  Czech Republic signed its National Strategy for Global Development Education 2011-2015 in 2011.  In May 2011 the Polish national platform signed an Agreement on Global Education with the MFA and the MoE (joint product in the frame of multi-stakeholder process).  In Slovakia, the National Global Education Strategy for 2012 - 2016 was also agreed in a multi-stakeholder process.

6 CZ National Strategy for Global Development Education 2011-2015  Making global development education an integral part of formal education at all levels;  Boosting the importance of global development education in informal education, while also supporting awareness- raising activities aimed at the public and media;  Developing global development education cooperation and partnership with all relevant stakeholders;  Ensuring long-term financing for quality global development education programs;  Systematically increasing the quality and effectiveness of global development education programs.

7 DEAR national funding in EU12 (2008) BG0 CY0 CZ680.000 EE160000? HU0 LT0 –390.000 LV0 MT0 PL800.000? RO75.000 SI60.000 SK285.000 Source: DE Watch

8 EC funding for DEAR  NSA/LA programme: ~30 Mio €/year for DEAR  20% preferably allocated to EU12 lead applicants  EC co-funding up to 90% of the budget for EU12 lead applicants  Partnerships with EU12 CSOs are encouraged

9 EC DEAR Study 2010

10 TRIALOG support  DEAR partnership fair  Partner search support  Training on EC proposal writing, PCM, contract management etc.  Information on funding opportunities  Advocacy for special EU12 conditions  Advocacy support for national co-funding to EC projects  …..

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