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March 15 th through 19 th Honors English 3. Monday, March 15 Choose research topics Read sample sources – List major points made in sources – Develop.

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Presentation on theme: "March 15 th through 19 th Honors English 3. Monday, March 15 Choose research topics Read sample sources – List major points made in sources – Develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 15 th through 19 th Honors English 3

2 Monday, March 15 Choose research topics Read sample sources – List major points made in sources – Develop working thesis statements – Develop working outlines Read sources – List major points made in sources – Develop working thesis statements – Develop working outlines Homework: Read introduction to realism in textbook

3 Things you need for the week: Tuesday: – Two sources Wednesday – Two sources Thursday – Note cards – Paper clips Friday – Flash drive – Change (for making copies) Supplies for research paper: – Flash drive – Manila envelope – Note cards – Paper clips

4 Tuesday, March 16 th Continue yesterday’s activities Notes on taking notes

5 Summary ๏ Reducing large chunk of text to small: ๏ Paragraph, section, article 1-5 sentences ๏ Support position with expert opinion. ๏ Express a key concept ๏ Set up an anticipated argument ๏ In Thoreau’s “Walking” he asserts that man, in his ideal state, is wild.

6 Paraphrase Translate another writer’s ideas into your own words. – 1 sentence=1 phrase or sentence Writer controls language Use specific information, ideas, facts Thoreau: man experiences life most fully when he surrounds himself with nature.

7 Quote Writing another author’s words verbatim Only when words can/should not be replaced Can be: – three word phrase – sentence or two – More (include one long quote) Credibility of authority’s voice Supports your claim Always elaborate on it Thoreau: “All good things are wild and free.”

8 Welcome to class ๏ You need: ๏ Informed Argument ๏ Notebook ๏ Writing utensil ๏ You will be able to : ๏ Identify three kinds of notes: Summary, quote, and paraphrase ๏ Write summary, paraphrase, and quote note cards

9 Wednesday, March 17 th Vocab Quiz New Vocab Words Paraphrase activity with sample source

10 5 Items to include on card. A 1 Para. 5. Para. to indicate paraphrase rather than quote. If it is a quote, write quote, if summary, write summ.

11 1. Card Topic Topic is the kind of information on the card. Think of it as the title, or main idea of the card. After writing down the information, figure out how you could briefly categorize, or title it. A1 Para.

12 Card Topic For example, if you are writing a paper on the life and works of the poet, Langston Hughes, you may have cards with topics such as: – Hughes' upbringing – Hughes' influences – Hughes' poetry – Hughes' political beliefs – Hughes' influence on America

13 2. Source Title The source code goes in the upper right corner, and it tells you which source the note came from. Refer to the source card to get the source code. In addition to the letter code, add numbers to show which note or part of the text you are referring to. A1 Para.

14 Giving Your Source a Letter In the previous example, the source was given a LETTER, instead of writing out the entire title, author, etc. -Write out the citation for the source on a source card, and give it a letter. Use the letter on the note cards to specify which source provided which fact.

15 Source Card Source A Marsh, Murdo William. " Langston Hughes." Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance. Ed. Scott Jones. Chicago: Illinois Press, 1993. 345- 351.

16 3. paraphrased information It is helpful to paraphrase, or summarize, and quote your research on the index cards while you are taking notes. If you are consistent in paraphrasing at this stage, then you will be certain not to accidentally plagiarize someone else's work. You will also have less work to do when you are actually writing the paper.

17 4. page numbers It is important to be accurate with the page numbers on your note cards, as you will need them for citations throughout your research paper. A 1 Para.

18 Sample Note Cards Organized by Card Topic A1A2 E3B2 Para.

19 Thursday, March 18 th Notes on note cards Make note cards using sample sources Make note cards using your sources Instructions on business letter and proposal

20 Friday, March 19 th Library for research – Type business style letter for research paper proposal – Find at least 2 more sources – You should now have a total of 4

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