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Technical Standards Committee Meeting at SEG New Orleans 3 rd October 2006 Your Business Card’s Please! Could everyone please leave a business card before.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Standards Committee Meeting at SEG New Orleans 3 rd October 2006 Your Business Card’s Please! Could everyone please leave a business card before."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Standards Committee Meeting at SEG New Orleans 3 rd October 2006 Your Business Card’s Please! Could everyone please leave a business card before leaving so we have a list of attendee’s for distribution of minutes and other materials.

2 Your Business Card’s Please!  Could everyone please leave a business card before leaving so we have a list of attendee’s for distribution of minutes and other materials.

3 Agenda  Welcome and Minutes from 2005 meeting  Committee posts for 2007  Jill Lewis for Chairperson  Bob Heath for Vice Chairperson  Summary of activities during 2006  SEGD Revision 3  Review and Discussion  Positioning group  Review and Discussion  Funding discussion for SPS  SEG Foundation Projects of Merit fund  Passive Seismic  Standards discussion Shawn Maxwell  AOB

4 Committee Posts for Coming Year  Chairperson Chairpersons of the Technical Standards Committee have generally held the post for more than one year and this has been the case for recent tenures. Jill Lewis has graciously offered to take up the baton and volunteered for the next year (or two!). However if anyone has any other names to put forward, who are willing to accept the post, please say!  Deputy Chairperson This committee has been unusual in that the Vice Chairperson has usually been filled by the outgoing Chairperson but for conformities sake (and my sanity!) we have moved this to be the other way around and Bob Heath has generously volunteered his time to fill this role. As before if anyone has any other names to put forward, who are willing to accept the post, please say!

5 2006 Activities  The TSC Sub-committee for SEG-D Revision 2.1 and SPS Revision 2.1 completed its work during the first part of 2006 and the SEG Executive Committee gave approval to the revisions in April. The Web Site has now been updated with the SEG-D and SPS documents.  Manufacturers codes were updated in the existing SEG-D format documents on the site, to reflect the current assignments.  The SEG-D Revision 3 sub-committee had an inaugural meeting in the UK in May followed by a larger review meeting at the Vienna EAGE meeting in June  An announcement article for SEG-D Revision 3 has been sent to the SEG Publications department for inclusion in the next issue of TLE as part of the formats acceptance procedures.  Several suggestions for formats definitions or updates had been proposed during the year, these will be covered by agenda items or in the AOB section.

6 SEG-D Revision 3  Rune Haugelund

7 Positioning Group  Jill Lewis liaison between OGP and SEG  Presentation to OGP 20 th October, 2006  OGP agreed in principal to update P1 and P2 formats  OGP Sub-Committee to be formed  Oil Company and Contractor Input

8 SPS Revision Funding  Funding discussion  Joe Cignoli Saudi Aramco

9 Passive Seismic  Standards discussion  Presentation by Shawn Maxwell

10 AOB  CSEG SEG-Y Proposals  Raised by Eric Keyser of EnCana  SEG2  Raised by Charles Stoyer of Interpex Ltd

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