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Presentation on theme: " Devolution of Local Major Schemes Highways and Transport Panel 13 th November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devolution of Local Major Schemes Highways and Transport Panel 13 th November 2012

2 Agenda 1.The context 2. The DfT proposals for devolution 3. Implications for Hertfordshire 4. Next Steps

3 Existing DfT funding streams for local transport: 1.Block funding for highway maintenance 2.Block funding for small transport improvement schemes 3.Local Sustainable Transport Fund 4.Local Major Schemes

4 What are ‘Major Schemes’? A large transport scheme (previously above £5m) At least ‘Local’ or ‘Regional’ significance Can be highway / rail / passenger transport Recent examples in Hertfordshire: Baldock Bypass Croxley Rail Link

5 The previous system (Regional Funding Allocation): Regional Prioritisation (EERA and EEDA) Department for Transport Scheme Promoters (Local Transport Authorities) Individual Scheme Business Case Approval Submission of candidate schemes Agree prioritised regional list

6 What has changed? New Government Abolition of regional tier Emergence of localism / decentralisation agenda Formation of Local Enterprise Partnerships Increasing need to ‘pool’ local and national funding streams to deliver projects

7 What has DfT proposed? Formation of Local Transport Bodies (LTBs) LTBs to be based on existing Local Enterprise Partnership boundaries Funding allocated to LTBs for Major Transport Schemes LTBs to identify priority schemes and oversee their delivery Local Transport Authority to be the ‘Accountable Body’ for the LTB Local Enterprise Partnership to be a LTB member Other LTB members to be decided locally

8 LEP boundaries The national picture

9 New DfT Proposals Department for Transport Local Transport Body 4-year funding allocation Programme reporting Accountable body: Local Transport Authority Local Transport Authority Local Enterprise Partnership Other Local Partners Identify, prioritise, appraise and oversee delivery of major schemes

10 Implications for Hertfordshire Hertfordshire will be a single county LTB Hertfordshire County Council will be the accountable body. Greater certainty over funding – but need to have schemes ‘ready to go’ A ‘pool’ of funding sources likely to be required to fund individual major schemes More decision-making at a local level (Responsibilities devolved include legal, finance, transparency etc)

11 Suggested Hertfordshire LTB LOCAL TRANSPORT BODY LTB ADVISORY GROUP Hertfordshire County Council (Chair and Accountable Body) Local Enterprise Partnership Hertfordshire Infrastructure and Planning Partnership Network Rail (observer) Highways Agency (observer) District Authorities - Transport Operators - Businesses - Environmental representative - Health and Wellbeing representative Transport planning advice Legal Finance Comms Admin LTB Operational Support Scheme promotion and business cases

12 DfT Programme for LTB development DateProposed activities September 2012 DfT publish next steps for Devolving Local Major Schemes November 2012 (still awaiting) DfT to publish: Indicative allocations per individual LTB area Guidance on governance arrangements for devolving funding to LTBs. December 2012 LTBs to submit LTB Governance Proposals to DfT April 2013 LTBs to have agreed their initial programme of priorities for delivery 2015-2019.

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