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Peter Steeves U.S. Geological Survey Northborough, MA 01532 508.490.5054 Improving Science with NHD through Stewardship by Pete Steeves.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Steeves U.S. Geological Survey Northborough, MA 01532 508.490.5054 Improving Science with NHD through Stewardship by Pete Steeves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Steeves U.S. Geological Survey Northborough, MA 01532 508.490.5054 Improving Science with NHD through Stewardship by Pete Steeves Presented at Stewardship 2009 NHD/WBD Stewardship Conference Denver, CO April 14, 2009

2 Steward Acknowledgements Bill Kaiser PNW Susanne Maeder MN Joe Sewash NC Ricardo Lopez NY Seth Hackman NJ

3 A Sample of Stewardship Applications n Fisheries management in the Pacific Northwest ( Emphasis : A need for stream densification) n Modeling post-hurricane debris flow (landslide) hazards in N Carolina ( Emphasis : Local res NHD developed in coordination with LiDAR) n Pollution monitoring in New Jersey ( Emphasis : Events, hyperlinks, and metadata) n Discharge permitting and monitoring in New York (Emphasis: Information Sharing) n Storm water mapping and analysis in Minnesota ( Emphasis : Infrastructure links to natural flows)

4 USGS StreamStats Applications of NHD (done in cooperation with State Steward Agencies) n Mapping low and peak flows using regression equations (Emphasis: Advanced applicability of NHD on the WEB) n Flow estimations based on nearby (upstream and downstream) gages (Emphasis: Using network navigation to more accurately compute stream flow) n Mapping sustainable-yield daily stream flows, factoring in wateruse (Emphasis: StreamStats on steroids) n Mapping perennial and intermittent streams using regression equations ( Emphasis : Value Added Attributes through regression equations)

5 Fisheries Management in the Pacific Northwest (Emphasis: A need for stream densification) n The PNW Forest Plan contains an Aquatic Conservation Strategy with four components including Riparian Reserves Riparian Reserves: Initial reserve widths for protected riparian areas. Reserve widths are defined after classifying and mapping the following reach habitats:  Fish-bearing streams  Permanently flowing nonfish-bearing streams  Lakes and natural ponds  Riparian vegetation  Constructed ponds  Seasonally flowing or intermittent streams  Wetlands less than one acre

6 Example Densification n Thomas Creek = 95,000 acres n Original miles = 357 n Total with Densified = 535 miles n 34% value added, 178 miles of new streams, 1.2 mi. / sq.mi. n A denser stream network that better reflects the riparian habitats Before After

7 Tracking Post-Hurricane Debris Flow Hazards in North Carolina (Emphasis: Local res NHD developed in coordination with LiDAR) Rick Wooten - Anne Witt - Ken Gillon Rebecca Latham - Tommy Douglas Stephen Fuemmeler - Jennifer Bauer

8 Background n The program was initiated after Hurricanes Francis and Ivan in 2004 n Francis and Ivan triggered over 155 landslides, destroyed 27 homes and killed 5 people n Almost 3000 landslides are in the database …. so far

9 24k Hydrology and Problem Areas not all of the “lakes” would be drained

10 Stream Mapping Hydrology and Problem Areas now all the “lakes” will drain properly

11 Modeled Debris Flow Pathways with correct flow paths through problem areas

12 Pollution Monitoring in New Jersey (Emphasis: Events, hyperlinks, and metadata) 1. Incorporate the needs of NJDEP Water Programs to add new themes and features to the NHD Model for NJ. 2. Link NHD model to live water quality data existing on the new statewide Water Quality Exchange (WQX). 3. Provide an interactive tool which lets users follow stream flow while identifying monitoring point data collections, TMDL statistics, surface water quality designations, and more. 4. Link in elevation data and other critical data sets to provide a robust model for framework data collection and reference.

13 Monitoring Points connected to Streams Station link to WQX!

14 Station Data – Future WQX View

15 Edit your Search New Results Updated locations based on WQX search query Show in Map

16 TMDL Assessments What is ‘FW2-NT’?

17 Attribute Definitions - Metadata

18 Discharge Permitting and Monitoring in New York (Emphasis: Information Sharing) n To make informed decisions, emphasis must be placed on the discovery of and access to environmental information. This should be a critical component to the mission of any environmental agency Stove pipe sponge - Aplysina archeri

19 Solution/Concept n Link existing documents to a given location on a map (GIS) via NHD n GIS with the NHD linkage provides a critical information portal allowing discovery and access to relevant institutional knowledge n Simple yet powerful and potentially transformative  essentially a value-added ben efit  substantial gain for relatively small investment

20 Old System – Groton SPDES “anemic features”

21 New System – SPDES Feature Portfolio

22 Information versus Data n Distinction between data and information  Data: raw, unprocessed observations  Information: processed data  Most data users beyond actual data generator are interested in digested data n Effort is concerned primarily with information  parallel track with data management efforts –e.g. Brownfield legislation

23 Storm Water Mapping and Analysis in Minnesota (Emphasis: Infrastructure links to natural flows) n Goal: “Update the NHD for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area to achieve feature density consistent with surrounding rural areas by incorporating drainage features captured from local data sources” n Results: Obtained storm sewer data from 38 local organizations Added 1078 linear drainage features (588 km) to NHD Features were storm sewer pipelines, ditches, connectors, artificial paths Additions represent 6000 individual pipe features Connected 363 NHD waterbodies to drainage network

24 Evaluating Hydrography Density; Adding Missing Features

25 Improved Network Tracing Ability – Downtown St. Paul area

26 What is StreamStats? n A map-based Web application that provides information that can be used by engineers, managers, planners, and others to make informed decisions on water-related activities n Primary product is streamflow statistics

27 Implementation Status n 14 states fully implemented n 4 states partly implemented n 13 states in implementation process

28 ArcGIS Server 9.2 Interface Toolbar Console Panel Banners Map Frame

29 Select Ungaged Site Note: Scale must be at least 1:24,000 Click on Point Delineation button

30 Delineated Basin

31 Generate Flow Statistics Coming soon: Basin characteristic and flow statistic names will be hyperlinks to definitions Click on Generate Flow Statistics

32 Flow Estimation Based on a Nearby Gage Estimates provided if RATIO >= 0.5 and <= 1.5 Click on Estimate Flows Based on Similar Streamgaging Stations

33 Estimates Based on Upstream Station If a downstream gage has a DA-ratio <= 1.5, then estimates will be computed based on the downstream gage as well as the upstream gage Weighted DA-ratio estimates will be computed based on relative proximity of the gages to the ungaged site

34 Overview of Sustainable Yield (SYE) Application WELL 1 PROPOSED WELL Impacted streamflow User-specified instream-flow targets WWTP 1 USER-SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD STREAMFLOW Unimpacted streamflow User-specified instream-flow targets USER-SPECIFIED TIME PERIOD STREAMFLOW Sustainable yield NOTE: Delineated basin for illustration only.

35 Mapping Perennial and Intermittent Streams in Massachusetts n Developed a logistic regression equation to estimate the probability of a stream flowing perennial in Massachusetts n Observed the P/I status of 359 stream sites w/drainage areas from 0.04 to 11 mi 2 during summer low-flow conditions n 67 of 69 stream sites w/DA >2 mi 2 were perennial n Remaining 290 P/I stream sites (0-2 mi 2 ) used in equation n 15 basin and land-use characteristics tested as possible explanatory variables in the equation Variables used were drainage area, percent area of sand and gravel, mean basin elevation, and percent area of forest land

36 Automated GIS Procedure Moving Up and Down Tributary Solving Equation to Match Desired Cutpoint Probability

37 Perennial / Intermittent Map Shawsheen River Basin

38 Perennial Intermittent Transition Points and Intermittent Watersheds

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