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Reduced/Low Visibility Operations – ATAC AGM, November, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Reduced/Low Visibility Operations – ATAC AGM, November, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reduced/Low Visibility Operations – ATAC AGM, November, 2010

2 Presentation Overview How we got here and why Stakeholder meetings and issues Current status Future regulatory changes

3 Impetus for Change Disconnect between the Part VII standards for air operators authority to conduct operations in reduced/low visibility conditions and the Part III airport equipment/operating procedures to support this level of operation Publication of Commercial and Business Aviation Advisory Circular (CBAAC) 0256 Low Visibility Take-off Airport Requirements on 31 Jul 06 – notification of coming changes

4 Initial Guidance Material 2-year consultation and development process 7 Mar 08 – Advisory Circular (AC) 302-001 Publication of the Level of Service with Respect to Departure Below RVR 2600 (1/2 Statute Mile) published Corresponding Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) GEN change – aerodrome level of service published for each runway

5 First Stakeholder Meeting - 14 Nov 08 Stakeholder dissatisfaction, especially with implementation timelines and pilot guidance material Specifically requested a delay in implementation and pilot guidance material in the Canada Air Pilot (CAP) GEN like that for the approach ban TC management agreed to postpone the national implementation date to 12 Mar 09 (initially planned for 20 Nov 08) Published revised CFS and CAP GEN material, AC 300-003 Aerodrome Operating Visibility and specific Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 12 Mar 09

6 Second Stakeholder Meeting – 8 May 09 Change in major stakeholders (NACC formed) with additional concerns regarding ongoing implementation Specifically requested: 1. Revised CFS GEN material 2. Revised CAP GEN material 3. New AC on publication of special reduced/low visibility procedures for pilots in the aeronautical publications 4. Conditions for the use of a follow-me vehicle as a permanent exemption (pending regulatory change) (AC 302-004 published 18 Sep 09) 5. Development of a Master FAQ document

7 Third Stakeholder Meeting – 15 Oct 09 Stakeholders requested an additional meeting to discuss concerns, especially tower visibility and pilot/dispatcher confusion with aerodrome operating visibility and guidance material During the meeting, the stakeholders presented a proposal to TC for a hierarchy of visibility based on RVR taking precedence Subsequent to the meeting, TC management agreed to a compromise solution for implementation on 17 Dec 09 The compromise involved a split between sites with ATC Towers and those without, involving a hierarchy of visibility for sites with towers and, for sites without towers, a hierarchy of visibility for arrivals and the lowest of Aerodrome Visibility (METAR), any reported RVR or the visibility as determined by the pilot for departures

8 Current Status National implementation on 17 Dec 09 Current guidance material: 1. AC 302-001 Publication of the Level of Service with Respect to Departure Below RVR 2600 (1/2 Statute Mile) effective 7 Mar 08 2. AC 302-004 Use of a Follow-me Vehicle Service to Support Reduced/Low Visibility Operations effective 18 Sep 09 3. AC-302-005 Runway Guard Light Installation Criteria effective 22 Apr 10 4. AC 302-006 Publication of Special Reduced/Low Visibility Procedures in the appropriate Aeronautical Information Publication(s) effective 17 Dec 09

9 Current Status (continued) Current guidance material (continued): 5. AC 602-002 Aerodrome Operating Visibility effective 17 Dec 09 6. CBAAC 0256 Low Visibility Take-off Airport Requirements effective 31 Jul 06 7. AC 700-007 Airport Taxi-in/Taxi-out Requirements in Reduced/Low Visibility effective 6 Oct 09 8. Master FAQ document effective 17 Dec 09 9. CFS GEN guidance material effective 17 Dec 09 10. CAP GEN guidance material effective 17 Dec 09 ACs and associated FAQs available online at: Transport Canada > Air Transportation > Aviation Safety > Management Services > Online Reference Centre > Advisory Circulars (AC)

10 Current Status (continued) The aerodrome operating visibility is defined as follows: At sites with an active Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower: (in accordance with published airport operational procedures) For arrivals and departures, the aerodrome operating visibility is in accordance with the following hierarchy: 1.Runway Visual Range (RVR) for the runway of intended use 2.Aerodrome visibility (METAR) 3.Visibility as determined by the pilot At sites without an active Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower: (outside ATC operating hours, MF, Unicom, CARS, or advisory sites, etc.) For arrivals, the aerodrome operating visibility is in accordance with the following hierarchy: 1.Runway Visual Range (RVR) for the runway of intended use 2.Aerodrome visibility (METAR) 3.Visibility as determined by the pilot For departures, the aerodrome operating visibility is the lowest of the following visibilities: 1.Aerodrome visibility (METAR) 2.Any reported RVR 3.Visibility as determined by the pilot

11 Future Regulatory Changes CAP GEN, Operating Minima, General, currently states that “CAR 602 specifies take-offs for all Canadian aircraft as being governed by visibility only … and landings by published DH/MDAs only.” Need to regulate landings as being governed by visibility as well as DH/MDAs Development of IFR Regulatory Review Project, with “gate to gate” philosophy Project currently underway, with first presentation to the CARAC Technical Committee anticipated at the Spring 2011 meeting

12 ? Ron Carter E-mail: Telephone: 613-998-9855

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