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Gas System production for LHC detectors Stefan Haider EP / TA1 - Gas.

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Presentation on theme: "Gas System production for LHC detectors Stefan Haider EP / TA1 - Gas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gas System production for LHC detectors Stefan Haider EP / TA1 - Gas

2 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/032 Outline Status of present activities How do we work now How will we work for ATLAS Component cleaning Conclusions

3 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/033 Status CMS UX-Distribution racks nearly finished. Foreseen date of completion Nov 2003 Completed the final gas system for ALICE TPC. Tests on a dummy volume will start beginning of November. First gas system with final HW and SW in place. Started the preparations of the ATLAS Muon UX distribution racks PRR’s for CMS (all), ATLAS( except TRT) ALICE (exc.TDR), start LHCb soon.

4 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/034 How do we work now (1/2) For CMS and ALICE TPC we specified to all manufacturers lubricant free equipment where possible. Otherwise only lubricants specified by the detector groups were allowed. Special equipment like e.g. flexible pipes, gas distribution manifolds, etc were cleaned in CERN Prevessin. Verification with: a chemical analysis. No Si found after cleaning. TRT aging test on flexible pipe. ~700hours  no aging At the assembly place/time, Si-based oils/lubricants must be avoided by all means. In our assembly lab, all Si-based products have been removed!

5 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/035 How do we work now (2/2) All parts necessary for a gas system were produced using a relatively clean working environment (but no clean rooms). After all cutting, welding, etc the racks were pre-assembled to their final form and a functional test was performed. Subsequently, the piping was disassembled and all parts produced in our lab (except those already cleaned before) were sent for cleaning to Prevessin. Hereafter the rack was assembled, pressure tested and rapped with plastic foil for storage.

6 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/036 How will we work in the future More stringent cleanness requirements for MDT and TRT We shall install a Quality Control procedure for the rack production by end 2003. Document is in preparation that will describe in detail: Good workshop practice Component selection, procurement, cleaning and validation Logistics: reception of equipment from firms proper storage Pre- and final assembly Copy of this paper to experiments asap

7 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/037 Component Cleaning (1/2) By supplier Cleaning at CERN Large tubes will be cleaned in Prevessin. Limited capacities… Smaller parts in new cleaning facility at Meyrin side. Hydrocarbon-based cleaning fluid. L.Ferreira EST prepares the new cleaning machine. 1 st liters of cleaning liquid arrived at CERN, called Promoclean Will be tested on known pollutants and results will be verified via analysis Distillation apparatus for cleaning liquid must be repaired for mass cleaning Cleaning sequence:  Promoclean, distilled water rinse, Promoclean, distilled water rinse

8 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/038 Component Cleaning (2/2) 1 st foreman from Russia arrived. Anatoli Kapitchnikov Started to work on the MDT prototype. He will handle the EST cleaning machine in Bldg. 102 Later assembly of TRT racks

9 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/039 Component validation We shall supply the TRT group with equipment that we belief are clean. Aging test with the “Rapid Aging Facility” will reveal Silicon components. Goal: one equipment per week!!! After some iterations, we should come to the point that we are CERTAIN, that the cleaning procedure removes really all Silicon products efficiently.  we have validated the Cleaning Procedure

10 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/0310 Quality assurance How do we assure and maintain a stable quality once a cleaning procedure (here or at the suppliers place) has been established? to be defined…

11 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/0311 Information New EP/TA1-Gas web site: Aging test results, chemical analysis, etc.. to be found at /Equipment/componentValidation.htm

12 S. Haider EP/TA1-Gas Gas Coordination meeting 24/10/0312 Conclusions To the existing manufacturing procedures we shall add more stringent quality control by the end of 2003 Manpower from Russia arrived for help in the rack assembly EST cleaning equipment in preparation Component validation procedures must be settled by the sub-detectors,- with our help as much as possible.

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