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Time and Continuity: Major Religions Islam J udaism Christianity.

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1 Time and Continuity: Major Religions Islam J udaism Christianity

2 4000 B.C.E Judaism is developed 4000 B.C.E. Old Testament is written 32 C.E Beginnings of Christianity 610 C.E Islam develops 650 C.E Islam divides into two separate sects 1054 C.E Schism of Christianity

3 Annotations 1) The development of Judaism was a change because it was a monotheistic religion, and religions prior to Judaism were polytheistic. The development of Judaism led to continuity because other monotheistic religions like Islam and Christianity came from Judaism, and the majority of religions today are monotheistic.

4 2) The Old Testament was different from other religions because it preached monotheism, not polytheism. It expressed different ideals than other sacred texts of the time. It is still studied today as it has continued to be practiced throughout the years. 3) Similarities of Judaism continue as Christianity is also a monotheistic religion, they both follow the Bible, and the church and state are both separate.

5 4) Islam is monotheistic and the development of Christianity and Judaism around the same regions and time periods as Islam. Many cultural traditions that were not originally part of Islam like patriarchal social structures and the veiling of women (Persia) were adopted by the growing Islamic society. Also, Islam soon became a driving force for the diffusion and preservation of technology and ideas (i.e. paper, magnetic compass…)

6 5) Islam divides into two diff. branches due to differences in opinions about ruling caliphs and religious matters. They include the Sunni and Shiite sects. -The Sunnis (“traditionalists”) believe that only the direct descendants of Muhammad were legitimate rulers of the Islamic community. -The Shiite Muslims believed that the cousin of Muhammad, Ali, and his descendants were legitimate successors of Muhammad. -These two sects later play a large role in the political and ethnic struggles for the Arabic people of the Middle East.

7 6)Eastern and Western Christianity separate and form independently. They go on to form different forms of Christianity and practice different beliefs. The east becomes known as the Eastern orthodox and the west as the Roman Catholic church.

8 Thesis Judaism, Islam and Christianity influenced the development of each other. Although, all of these religions developed into monotheistic religions, they were each influenced by their surrounding regions through trade and conquest. These interactions led to the diffusion of technology and ideas but it also led to political and religious differences and eventually divisions or schisms in the religions.

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