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Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance

2 MWA’s Mission MWA is determined to transform the New York and New Jersey Harbor and Waterways to make them clean and accessible, a vibrant place to play, learn and work, with great parks, great jobs, and great transportation for all.

3 Who are we? An alliance of over 400 organizations in the metropolitan region Committed to revitalizing the NY-NJ waterfront A BROAD coalition— from the paddlers of the Sebago Canoe Club on Jamaica Bay to the international shippers of the New York Shipping Association

4 Waterfront Policy: The Waterfront Action Agenda Policy Platform for NY- NJ Waterfront Agenda White Papers

5 Tinker to Evers to Chance A Blue Movement + Action Agenda + Legislation = WAVES The MWA Combination for a New Waterfront

6 MWA and WAVES “PlaNYC for the waterfront” Citizen Input –6 Task Force meetings –Borough workshops and Blue Network meeting MWA’s Waterfront Conference November 30, 2010

7 Ways to Provide Input MWA’s Task Force meetings Meeting minutes to Dept. City Planning Public workshops Submit written comments Submit joint comments with others

8 Agenda Presentation from the City of New York Discussion about CWP Goals and Action Agenda Step for Green Harbor Next Steps –Implementation –Financing –Harbor Caucus Upcoming meetings

9 Updating the Comprehensive Waterfront Plan Let’s start with waterfront permitting –MWA’s waterfront permitting report and Users Guide 14 Agencies 41 stakeholder interviews 26 Recommendations 1 Great Opportunity

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