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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana-Watersheds (erstwhile IWMP) ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GoAP
Land treatment Strategic Plan
Andhra Pradesh Land treatment Strategic Plan Total geographical area of A.P : Lakh Ha Untreatable area : Lakh Ha (Assured Irrigation, Barren Rocky etc) Treatable area in the State : Lakh Ha - Area already treated under Watershed : Lakh Ha (Under DPAP, DDP, IWDP etc.,) - Area treated under schemes of other Ministries : Lakh Ha - Area already treated under IWMP : Lakh Ha (From batch to batch) Total area already treated under Watershed projects : Lakh Ha Balance area to treated : Lakh Ha Proposed area to be treated under other Watershed Programmes and Urban areas : Lakh Ha (Under Other Watershed Projects implemented by Agriculture Dept, NABARD etc.,) Balance area to be treated : Lakh Ha
PMKSY-Watersheds (erstwhile IWMP) Batch wise Project details
No .of Projects Area (Lakh Ha.) Project Cost (Rs. in Crores) Amount (Rs. in Crores) Released Exp. Balance Batch-I ( ) 62 2.75 330.42 222.92 189.35 33.57 Batch-II ( ) 97 4.15 502.06 253.93 241.04 12.89 Batch-III ( ) 102 4.4 528.68 176.95 165.46 11.49 Batch-IV ( ) 56 2.33 303.81 69.17 54.56 14.61 Batch-V ( ) 2.22 322.65 23.07 5.08 17.99 Batch-VI ( ) 59 2.25 302.37 2.46 0.63 1.83 TOTAL 432 18.10 748.50 656.01 92.49 Total Fund released Unspent Balance as on Central State TOTAL 604.27 144.23 748.50 92.49
(Amount Rs. in crore) Budget Component Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share + State share) Total expenditure incurred (at all levels) % of Exp. Unspent Balance Total DPR 3.30 5.02 5.29 3.04 2.90 1.55 21.10 2.68 4.82 4.03 1.76 1.43 0.55 15.27 72 92.49 EPA 13.22 20.08 22.02 12.85 8.12 0.26 76.55 7.76 15.59 15.02 4.69 0.00 43.06 56 Institution & cap. building 9.28 13.06 9.90 2.95 2.96 0.14 38.29 6.05 8.36 9.31 1.67 0.31 0.05 25.75 67 Admn. cost 20.01 27.38 21.47 9.67 3.46 0.51 82.50 19.95 27.34 21.32 9.26 3.16 0.03 81.06 98 Watershed works 129.26 124.96 74.29 20.28 2.36 351.15 110.31 123.96 72.29 18.28 324.84 93 Livelihood activities for the asset-less 26.99 41.46 26.74 15.49 110.68 100 Production system & micro-enterprises 13.57 16.71 12.84 3.32 1.60 48.04 13.51 16.22 12.79 2.74 45.26 94 Monitoring 4.85 3.19 3.97 1.42 1.52 14.95 2.03 3.20 3.84 0.56 0.18 9.81 66 Evaluation 2.44 2.07 0.44 0.15 5.24 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.28 5 Consolidation Phase 222.92 253.93 176.95 69.17 23.07 2.46 748.50 189.35 241.04 165.46 54.45 5.08 0.63 656.01 88
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER IWMP Total Achievement as on 31.10.2015
Success Indicator Unit Achievement up to Achievement during Target for Achievement during (From to ) Total Achievement as on Creation of new Rainwater Harvesting Structures Number 15134 11934 19378 6862 27,955 Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures 226 705 8545 2328 2,931 Additional area brought under irrigation Ha 27,485 24,562 -- 22,090 60,138 Plantation including afforestation & horticulture 12134 9473 17073 4308 25,936 Formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) 35,557 5595 6435 41,152 Providing livelihoods to households 36,991 6,196 11340 43,187
Institutional Fund utilization V/s
Project Fund Utilization (as on ) Institutional Fund Project Fund Total Institutional Fund received from Central Total Institutional Funds Utilized % Utilization Total available Funds under Project Fund (Central+ State+ Miscellaneous receipt) Total Project Fund utilized 3.64 3.83 105% 766.07 656.01 87.64% Note : Excess expenditure met from interest accrued on fund
Management of Institutional Support Fund (as on 31.10.2015)
(a) Institutional preparedness - Financial (Rs. In lakhs) Total Central assistance Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued),if any Total Fund available Total Expenditure For SLNA For WCDCs Total For SLNA For WCDCs 111.25 252.90 364.15 18.42 129.67 252.9 382.57 165.86 216.71 (b). Total non-recurring fund released and its expenditure. (Rs. In lakhs) Central Releases Expenditure Balance 102.03
EXPENDITURE DURING (AS ON ) (Amount Rs in Crore) Opening balance as on Central Share released during State Share released during Misc. receipts during Expenditure during ( upto October,2015) % of Expenditure Total available funds during as on 86.73 0.03 68.40 39 92.49 Note:- There is a shortfall as on is Rs Crores expenditure met from MGNRGES and other Scheme on reimbursable basis during the FY
No. of experts & staff be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts & staff actually engaged SLNA 43 21 WCDC 72 46 PIA / WDTs 996 856 WCs 3799 3407 Total 4910 4330
Status of appointment of Technical Staff at SLNA (as on 31.10.2015)
No. Name Govt. Employee / Contract If Govt. then Designation Full time or Part Time Area of Specialization Date of appointment of contractual Staff Honorarium / Salary Paid per month from Institutional Funds (Rs.) The amount paid from Govt. funds, if any (Rs.) 1 N.V.Ramana Murthy Govt. Employee Dy. Executive Engineer Full Time NRM 1,11,589 Nil 2 G.Srinivas Assistant Director IT 96,963 3 B.Venkatesulu Naik Fixed Tenure Employees (FTEs) State Tech. Expert Livelihoods 44711 4 G.Bharathi PSI 46962 5 SVN Raja Mouli Asst. Tech. Expert 32433 6 B. Suresh Kumar 23,000 7 N.Venkata Subbaiah Programme Manager Pre-IWMP 21,200
Progress in DPR Preparation (as on 31.10.2015)
Particulars No. of project sanctioned No. of DPRs already prepared & approved by SLNA Timeline for completion of remaining DPRs No. of DPRs uploaded in the website of the Nodal Dept. URL of the web-site No. of projects in which Watershed Works have Commenced For projects sanctioned during 62 - For projects sanctioned during 97 For projects sanctioned during 102 For projects sanctioned during 56 For projects sanctioned during For projects sanctioned during 59 03/2016
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase and
Works Phase of IWMP Projects (as on ) Batch Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) No of Batch I and Batch II projects likely to be completed during Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion I Yes No Guidelines awaited from DoLR 62 (However requested for extension of one more year upto ) II III IV Yes (report in the process of submission to DoLR) Just completed preparatory phase and entered works phase V June, 2016 Not applicable VI
Status of engagement of Concurrent Monitoring & Evaluation Agency
4 Agencies have been finalised and engaged through Technical cum financial bidding process for undertaking MEL&D upto Batch-V Projects and MoU entered on for a period of five years. Details of allotment of IWMP clusters are as follows; No. Selected Agency Districts & Projects covered No. of projects & Area (Ha) covered Rate per Ha. (Amount in Rs.) Total Project Value (Rs. in lakhs) I Remote Sensing Instruments (RSI) Ananthapur (85) & Kadapa (38) 123 Projects (5,16,496 Ha.) 90 390.17 II Grameen Vikas Trust (GVT) Kurnool (59) & Chittoor(58) 117 Projects (5,04,797 Ha.) 376.99 III NABCONS Prakasam (62) & Guntur (4) 66 Projects (2,98,540 Ha.) 102 256.21 IV WAPCOS Pvt. Ltd., W G(3), EG (14), VIZN (10), VSKP(15) & SKLM(24) 66 Projects (2,63,817 Ha.) 98 249.19 TOTAL
Benchmarking of Watershed Management Outcomes
Action taken on Benchmarking of Watershed Management Outcomes Progress on action taken on Bench Marking of Watershed outcomes: Selected 7 projects from batch II & III Communicated guidelines, indicators and selected projects to MEL&D agencies as pilot. Draft report received. Submission to DoLR by end of November’ 2015 Sl. No. Agro climatic Zone District Project Batch Agency 1 Krishna-Godavari Zone Prakasam Mangalikunta II NABCONS 2 North Coastal Zone Srikakulam Sancham WAPCOS Limited 3 Southern Zone Chittoor & Badikayalapalle III Grameen Vikas Trust (GVT) Kadapa Devapatla Remote Sensing Instruments (RSI) 4 Scarce Rainfall Zone Anantapur & Bandameedipalli Kurnool Gani 5 High Altitude and Tribal areas Tarlakota
Capacity Building Particulars
Sl. No. Capacity Building Particulars Status 1 Role of SLNA in Capacity Building Facilitating in preparation of annual action plans, modules & materials for different stake holders. 2 Status of preparation of Capacity Building Plan for state (for all Levels of Stakeholders ) Conducting workshops, meeting & reviews etc., at state level to know the status of implementation of various components and planning for new interventions. 3 Status of preparation of Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Prepared training Modules such as 1. Entry Point Aactivity,2. Technical manual on NRM, 3.Production System improvement 4. Animal Husbandry,5. Small ruminants, 7. CMSA, 8.Soil moisture conservation & Water Harvesting Structures, 9. Manual for Watershed Assistants etc., 4 Status of preparation of Modules of Training in local language All the above Training Modules are prepared in local language (Telugu). 5 Status of preparation of Calendar of training for Prepared the training calendar for at district level and approved by the Collectors concerned. 6 Total budget proposed for Capacity building during Rs Lakhs
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for 2015-16
Level of Stakeholder No. of training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure (Rs in Lacs.) SLNA Level 252 1500 PRA & PNP, DPR , NRM, Software, EPA, LH, PSI, Watershed Mngt, Geo-Hydrology, GPS, M&E ,ASTI, TSFA & Exposures APSIRD, MCRHRD, MANAGE, NIRD, CRIDA, NRSC, AU etc., 97 District Level (DLRC) 620 31,000 Watershed concept, PRA/PNP,DPR,NRM, Technical, Geo,HydrologyPSI,EPA,LH,AH,Agri DLRC, TTDC, Mahila Pranganam, 320 WDT Level (CLRC) 9042 4,52,100 Watershed Concept, LH,Fund management, VO, SHG,MS,UG,WSC,NRM,EPA,PSI,AH.Agri CLRC 600 WC Level (Village) 12,393 6,19,650 Concepts on Watershed, UG, WSC, WRP, SHG, VO, LH, PSI, AH &AG etc., WCC, MS, GP, 283 Total : 22,307 11,04,250 1300
Status of Pre – IWMP (As on 31.10.2015) Completed Projects
Scheme No. of Projects sanctioned Area covered (in lakh ha.) Project Cost in Rs. Crore Projects completed No. (All the instalment received and total project area treated) Project Closed No. (All the instalment released by DoLR but total project area not treated by the State) Projects Non performing (All the instalment not received) DPAP 1275 6.38 382.50 1266 Nil 9 IWDP 612 3.06 183.60 597 15 DDP 848 4.24 254.40 846 2 TOTAL 2735 13.68 820.50 2709 26 State-wise list of Pending UCs: No. of Pending UCs Amount (Rs. crore) - NIL - Furnishing of documents for Completed/ non performing projects for formal closure Completed Projects 2709 PCRs have already been submitted to DOLR as on date as against 2735. The balance PCRs are planned to submit by the end of December '2015. Non-Performing Projects 26 Non Performing watersheds closure documents were already submitted to GOI.
Public Finance Management System (PFMS)
Implementation of Public Finance Management System (PFMS) AP is implementing Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS) since 2011 for IWMP financial transactions at all levels. DoLR, GoI agreed that AP shall continue with the existing IT (eFMS system) and the state will share the data as required by PFMS for MIS purposes as in the format desired.
Process Management Software(PMS)
Implementation of Process Management Software(PMS) Batch No of projects No of PIA registered No of projects for which legacy data in the excel sheet has been provided I 62 NIL State level training programme is scheduled in the month of January,2016. II 97 III 102 IV 56 V VI 59 Total 432
Status of online IWMP-MIS Details of pending projects
as on upto Batch-IV S.No Parameters Status Details of pending projects Remarks 1 Baseline Survey completed 315 / 317 Anantapur-IWMP-26/ , Cuddapah-IWMP-41/ Two projects proposed for cancellation (ATP-26 & CDP-41) 2 Financial Action Plans fed up to date 287 / 317 Anantapur-IWMP-26/ , Cuddapah-IWMP-41/ Two projects proposed for cancellation (ATP-26 & CDP-41). 28 Projects are not reflecting though data already fed. 3 Financial Achievement fed up to date 287/ 317 4 Physical Action Plan fed up to date 250 / 317 65 Projects are not reflecting though data already fed 5 Physical Achievement fed up to date 6 Capacity Building Plan fed up to date 7 CB Achievement fed up to date Status / Issues: The progress up to will be completed by 30th Nov, 2015 at WCDC (DWMA) Level. At SLNA level all plans have been fed and entered achievement up to Once the site is bifurcated among Andhra Pradesh & Telangana States, the achievement data will be fed up to date. Requested to provide interface to upload data automatically from TCS to NIC sever on regular intervals on the similar lines of MGNREGS
Bhuvan Software status (Srishti & Drishti)
Implementation of Bhuvan Software status (Srishti & Drishti) Batch /Year No of projects No of projects for which shape files have been sent to NRSC No of projects for which project information and implementation status (prep, work, consolidation) is provided No of projects for which DPRs, Treatment maps, Annual Action Plan etc., are uploaded/ provided to NRSC No of projects for which photographs have been uploaded 62 12,415 photos were uploaded in Bhuvan . After moderation, 3500 photos were accepted, 356 photos rejected & 8,559 yet to be moderated 97 102 56 59 Total 432 373
Requirements for field level monitoring of
Bhuvan – Dhrusti 12,415 photos were uploaded in Bhuvan . After moderation, 3500 photos were accepted, 356 photos rejected & 8559 yet to be moderated Moderation of photos at SLNA is made available now, but this facility need to be extended at district level also. Moderation of photos is taking time due to response from the server is very slow State abstract on BHUVAN-DRISHTI uploading status. Rejected photo data /information shall be pushed back to the mobile, so that they can re-uploaded with correct photos. District wise, project wise status of uploading report is required to monitor the uploading status. Selection of multiple micro-watersheds is required for attribute updation. Provision for editing and deletion of uploaded photos at District level during moderation. Configuration of mobile instrument for uploading BHUVAN as it is not working in some of the mobiles. Required provision to upload existing photographs available in into Bhuvan.
Merged into the District
State specific issues a) Policy level Tagging of Projects of Khammam district, Telangana to Andhra Pradesh. During the bifurcation of united Andhra Pradesh State, area pertaining to 4 projects of Khammam district is merged into newly formed residual Andhra Pradesh state as shown below. Requested for formal orders from DoLR, GoI for re-allotting the projects to residual Andhra Pradesh. Cancellation of Projects: Two projects proposed for cancellation Anantapur-IWMP-26/ (Kummatha Project), YSR-Kadapa -IWMP-41/ (Kodur Project). Sanction of 146 watershed projects with an area of 5.59 Lakh Ha under PMKSY for the FY , to with stand the drought conditions. b) Implementation level Software issues: DOLR is requested to share the schema & logics for developing interface module to port the data from AP customized IWMP application to DOLR MIS at regular intervals on the similar lines of MGNREGS. Release the balance funds for FY for better implementation of ongoing watershed projects. S.No Batch No Project Name Mandal Merged into the District 1 Pedda Mattapalle Vararamachandrapuram East Godavari District 2 Abhicherla Kunavaram 3 Surakunta Chinthoor 4 Kukkunuru West Godavari District
AP - Initiates Transaction based software since 2011.
Exclusive Watershed Computer Centers (WCC). E-DPR & E-Estimates, E-Payments, E-Asset Registers. Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS). Aadaar enabled biometric payments for wage payments. Convergence with line Departments and other Schemes. Neeru-Chettu as drought initiative . Renovation of Existing Waters Harvesting Structures GPS Coordinates & Photos in three stages as mandatory. Exclusive Quality control wing. Social Audit for all IWMP works.
IWMP Process Flow Works identification by Technical Officer
Input data filled by TO Estimation generated by Computer Operator & TO Estimation scrutiny by TO &Project Officer Technical sanctioned by Project Officer /APD/Adl .PD Admin Sanction by Dist .Collector Placing in Shelf of works by CO Work commencement letter by PO Muster issue by PO Marking by TO & WA Muster entry by Watershed Asst Muster verification by TO & PO Recording of Measurements by TO Check measurement by PO M. Book & Musters Handed over to W.C.C by TO Pay orders generation by PO & CO Pay orders verification & approval by PO F T Os generation by PO after WC Resolution Cheque issue by PO (only in case of postal) FTOs upload by Project Officer Monitoring of payments to Wage seekers/ suppliers & others
Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS)
No parking of funds. Access to all the IWMP projects. Registration of all mandal, district level officers under eFMS. All the work payments, salaries and other payments through eFMS only. Fund transfer orders (FTOs) generated and uploaded by mandal level officers. Payments electronically transferred through core banking system.
Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS)
Flow chart on Electronic Fund Management System (eFMS) IWMP Server
Convergence with various Programmes & Line Departments
MG-NREGS-AP Sericulture Forest Department NREDCAP Horticulture Department Agriculture Department SSAAT NRSC/APSRAC Animal Husbandry Dept.
Best practices Convergence with EGS scheme
Wage extensive works with EGS funds WHS like PT, MPT, Farm Ponds, Dug out Ponds, SMC works like Earthen bunds, CCT, ST Repairs &renovations to existing WHS Plantation works to the beneficiaries eligible under EGS Rural SSR approved under EGS for wage rates. Estimate generation in WCC by IWMP staff Musters for unskilled works maintained by IWMP staff. Payments in WCC by IWMP staff through EFMS.
Best practices Convergence with EGS scheme
A total of Rs cr expenditure made with EGS funds. Rs cr as wage, Rs cr as material. 79.52 lakh mandays wage employment in IWMP villages. During so far a total of Rs cr expenditure made with EGS funds. Rs cr as wage, Rs cr as material 21.37 lakh mandays wage employment in IWMP villages.
STRATEGY: Selection of PoP by VO Household Livelihood Action Plans (HLPs) by VO Release of LH component to CEO, SERP and to Sri Nidhi Bank. Sri Nidhi Bank releases LH component to VO Asset grounding, repayment of loan combinedly monitored by SRLM and IWMP staff Livelihood activities undertaken 6% 10% 16% 28% Beneficiary coverage: 43,187 households, 41,152 SHGs with an investment of over Rs Crore
Convergence with SERP (SRLM)
ASSETS CREATED Sl. No Name of the Activity Nos.
Additional area brought under irrigation in Ha. No of farmers benefited 1 Soil Moisture Conservation works 20,643 10,272 2 Water Harvesting Structures 31,125 60,138 3 Afforestation works 10,705 -- 5,352 4 Horticulture Works (in acres) 49,117 20,232 5 Live stock Related Works 4,938 2,500
PROGRESS OF SOIL MOISTURE CONSERVATION WORKS (AS ON ) WORK Nos. Staggered Trenches (in acres) 1408 Water Absorption Trenches 1244 Loose Boulders 9340 Rock Fill Dams 7698 Sunken Pits 492 Others 461 TOTAL 20643 Staggered Trenches Water Absorption Trench Rock Fill Dam Sunken pits
Name of the Activity Nos. Mini Percolation Tank 1485 Farm Pond & Dug out ponds 21855 Percolation Tanks 1342 Check dam 2660 Check wall 637 Others 3146 TOTAL 31125 Farm Pond Check Dam Mini Percolation Tank
PROGRESS OF NRM IN AP 1,05,259 works with an expenditure of Rs Crores since inception. Rs Crores wage expenditure with 1,11,47,500 mandays 34,979 works with an expenditure of Rs Crores during Rs Crores wage expenditure with 23,63,000 mandays during
Name of the Activity Nos. Barren Hill Afforestation (in Acres) 204 Dry Land Horticulture ( in Acres) 19595 Block Plantation( in Acres) 963 Bund Plantation( in Acres) 1877 Block Plantation (In Private Lands) ( in Acres) 1005 Avenue Plantation (in Kms) 3324 Nurseries (in Nos) 124 Nursery Dry Land Horticulture Bund Plantation Avenue Plantation
Animal Health Camps (2166 with Rs lakhs) Trevices (489 with Rs lakhs) Drinking water Trough (3301 with Rs lakhs) Water purification plants (192 with Rs lakhs) Solar street lights (2417 with Rs lakhs) Village Knowledge centers – 17 with Rs lakhs
Activity Nos. Farm Mechanization 8053 Implement Service Stations (ISS) 628 Custom Hiring Stations(CHC) 74 Addl.Farm Mechanization Custom Hiring Center Implements Service Station
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