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Introduction to ECE 255 Lab Cheng Cheng, Teaching Assistant Department of EECS University of Tennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to ECE 255 Lab Cheng Cheng, Teaching Assistant Department of EECS University of Tennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to ECE 255 Lab Cheng Cheng, Teaching Assistant Department of EECS University of Tennessee

2 Hard- and Software  Xilinx ISE Design Suit 13.2  Digilent Adept  Digilent BASYS(2) Board

3 Xilinx ISE Design Suit 13.2 Double Click

4 Create A New Project

5 Project Settings Choose TQ144 if you are using a BASYS board

6 Create New Sauce Files

7 Draw the Schematics Rename the Ports by right- clicking on them

8 Draw the Schematics

9 Pin Placement & Assignment Find “Design” Select the file Expand the Folder here Assign pins here

10 PlanAhead 13.2


12 Expand the Folder here Save your work and exit

13 Generate “*.bit file”

14 Download the program


16 Program the Board

17 Results ABCD = 0000 ABCD = 0001

18 Results ABCD = 0011 ABCD = 0111

19 Results ABCD = 1001 ABCD = 1101

20 Results ABCD = 1100 ABCD = 1111

21 Introduction to ECE 255 Lab

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