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Modelling Reactive Systems 4 Professor Muffy Calder Dept. of Computing Science University of Glasgow

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1 Modelling Reactive Systems 4 Professor Muffy Calder Dept. of Computing Science University of Glasgow

2 Aims To introduce and explore 2 different formalisms and analysis techniques used in the design of reactive systems. To explore the practical issues raised by using these formalisms and associated software tools, particularly within the context of communications systems and protocols. Includes: state-based modelling using Promela language reasoning using model-checker SPIN linear temporal logic event-based modelling using LOTOS communication mechanisms lots of concurrency - in practice and some theory Exercise: model telephone system reason about system using SPIN

3 References My notes (on web) Technical papers Web pages (for both LOTOS and Promela) Two (out of print!) books

4 Modelling Reactive Systems Reactive system event driven, internal or external stimuli real-time, concurrent, or distributed Examples telephony communications networks operating systems avionics VLSI HCI railway signalling others (from biochemistry to cat flaps!)

5 Modelling Reactive Systems Features nondeterminism concurrency communication Concerns fairness race-conditions timing safety properties (something bad does not happen) liveness properties (something good happens) (Liveness is harder to prove than safety)

6 State or Event-Based Modelling? What is a process? How do processes interact? is communication synchronous is communication asynchronous How do we model a process? event based state-based

7 Event based a b c stop stop State-based ev== a e== b ev== c ev= =d Events label edges Variables label states a; ((b; stop) [] (c; stop)) ev = a; ev = b; if :: ev= c :: ev = d fi LOTOS Promela

8 Finite State Automata (informal) FSA is conceptual machine a given number of states (finite or infinite) m/c is in exactly one state, at any time state transitions are caused by (input) events state transition may cause (output) events typically, states represent visible modes of behaviour. STS structured transition system graphical representation of an FSA nodes represent states edges represent events Examples: a chocolate machine

9 Kripke Structures (informal) A Kripke structure consists of a given number of states an initial state a set of final/accepting states a transition relation between states a function labelling states with valuations of the variables in states A computation path is a sequence of states s 0,s 1,… such that there is a transition between s i and s i+1. A computation path may be infinite. We are concerned with systems which have a finite number of states, but computation paths may be finite or infinite.

10 Example A chocolate dispensing machine.

11 Process Diagrams A channel is a directed communication link between 2 processes. A message or signal may by sent and received to/from a channel. A process diagram: A static description of system/network “topology”. Do not confuse these with automata! Process a Process b message Environment

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