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CONDITIONALS. Boolean values Boolean value is either true or false It is name after the British mathemetician, George Boole who first formulated Boolean.

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Presentation on theme: "CONDITIONALS. Boolean values Boolean value is either true or false It is name after the British mathemetician, George Boole who first formulated Boolean."— Presentation transcript:


2 Boolean values Boolean value is either true or false It is name after the British mathemetician, George Boole who first formulated Boolean Algebra

3 Boolean expressions Boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to produce a result which a Boolean value.

4 Six common comparison operators

5 Boolean can be assigned to variables, printed, etc

6 Logical Operators

7 Conditional execution


9 Omitting the else clause

10 Chained conditionals

11 Nested Conditionals

12 The return statement with or without a value, depending on whether the function is fruitful or void. Allow to terminate the execution of a function before reach the end. One reason to use an early return is if an error condition was detected.

13 The return statement

14 Logical opposites OperatorLogical Opposite ==!= == <>= <=> > >=<

15 Logical opposites

16 de Morgan’s laws Two powerful simplified laws called de Morgan’s laws that are often helpful for complicated Boolean expressions. not (x and y) == (not x) or (not y) not (x or y) == (not x) and (not y)


18 Type conversion Many Python types come with a built-in function that attempts to convert values of another type into its own type. – int function – float function – str function


20 float function

21 str function

22 A Turtle Bar Chart



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