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Elementary Crowding and Capacity Committee (ECCC) September 10, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Crowding and Capacity Committee (ECCC) September 10, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Crowding and Capacity Committee (ECCC) September 10, 2007

2 Meeting Agenda I.Committee Introductions II.Agenda Review III.Reintroduce Committee’s Charge and Timeline IV.Establish a draft of Committee Goals V.Establish a draft of Guiding Principles VI.A Look at Your Ideas and Suggestions (so far…)

3 ECCC Charge Establish a system-wide task group process to address crowding and capacity issues at identified schools. The charge to this task group is to consider any reasonable solution that over six years will: Resolve crowding at Tuckahoe and potential crowding at other identified schools Ensure that no other elementary school will be crowded as a result Provide at least one Pre-K program of any type (e.g., Head Start, VPI, Montessori, Pre-K special education) at every elementary school Not change choices available or admission policies The Task Group will report to the Superintendent with recommendations in December 2007.

4 Proposed Meeting Schedule and Topics MeetingDate Agenda/Discussion Topics 19/10/07 Introduction Introduction Charge and Proposed Timeline Charge and Proposed Timeline Goals Goals Guiding Principles Guiding Principles Review Suggestions Review Suggestions 29/24/07 Generation of Options Generation of Options Decision on Change of Scope Decision on Change of Scope 310/15/07 Review 9/30 Counts Review 9/30 Counts Review Impact of Options from 9/24 Review Impact of Options from 9/24 Second Round of Options Second Round of Options 410/29/07 Review Projections Review Projections Review Impact of Options from 10/15 Review Impact of Options from 10/15 511/5/07 Finalize Options Details Finalize Options Details 611/26/07 TBD TBD 712/3/07 Review Draft Recommendations Review Draft Recommendations 812/10/07 Confirm Final Recommendations Confirm Final Recommendations

5 Possible Goals to Consider I.Evaluate the 9/30/07 numbers detailing enrollment status at the elementary schools II.Create a timeline for Committee goals III.Create a list of overcrowded schools according to APS guidelines IV.Identify potential planning units and/or programs to move and assess overall impact of such moves V.Determine the need to expand the scope of the Committee’s charge VI.Determine the process for the final draft of the report

6 Possible Guiding Principles to Consider Respect – for the Committee process, citizens, APS staff, schools, and the children we are discussing Principals and representatives will sit at the meeting tables; separate seating is provided for alternates and observers Trust but verify – do not assume something you have heard via word-of-mouth is correct Each school will receive one vote when there is a vote on resolving action items Committee members should use discretion in talking about meeting discussions and debates

7 Your Ideas So Far … These are not in any particular order… Implement the recommendations suggested by the 2005 BEAP committee by moving Tuckahoe planning units 1607, 1608, and/or 1609 Move preschools out of overcrowded schools Build desired/popular programs in under-enrolled schools to relieve the crowding in over-enrolled schools Develop an improved system to track transfers by type and introduce a system to track transfer requests in order to provide better data for decision-making Enforce the transfer policy based on the 95% occupancy rule rather than on the September 30 numbers Create an ongoing citizen advisory group to work with APS staff on enrollment and capacity issues

8 Your Ideas So Far … These are not in any particular order… Consider a system that allows all admission-based schools to take a small number of students from overcrowded schools Move ATS to an under-enrolled school and use the current building to create a new school in the overcrowded part of the county Develop a revised preschool survey with citizen input into survey development and implementation and survey the entire county Reconfigure the renovation of Reed School to accommodate a new elementary school

9 Next Meeting: September 24, 2007 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Carlin Springs Elementary School

10 The Task Group will consist of: 2 citizen co-chairs appointed by the School Board From each elementary school: 1 parent/1 parent alternate chosen by the PTA 1 principal or designee 1 representative from Montessori and 1 representative from VPI appointed by Early Childhood Advisory Committee 1 citizen representative from Facilities Advisory Committee 1 citizen representative from Advisory Council on Instruction Staff Liaisons: Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services Special Projects Coordinator Facilities Planner ECCC Membership

11 ECCC Timeline The Task Group will follow this general timeline: February – April 2007 Inform PTAsInform PTAs Complete spring projectionsComplete spring projections Conduct surveyConduct survey Identify task group membersIdentify task group members April – June 2007 Hold initial organizational meeting to:Hold initial organizational meeting to: – Provide task group with data including spring projections and survey result, and – Plan work schedule

12 ECCC Timeline (continued) September – December 2007 Analyze data, including September 30, 2007 enrollment count, determine scope of problem, and develop possible solutionsAnalyze data, including September 30, 2007 enrollment count, determine scope of problem, and develop possible solutions Report to Superintendent in October, after receipt of enrollment count and new projections, status of the committee’s work and recommendations, if any, for change in scope of committee’s chargeReport to Superintendent in October, after receipt of enrollment count and new projections, status of the committee’s work and recommendations, if any, for change in scope of committee’s charge Keep track of related ancillary issues that arise during committee deliberations and report them to the Superintendent for potential consideration in a subsequent processKeep track of related ancillary issues that arise during committee deliberations and report them to the Superintendent for potential consideration in a subsequent process Make recommendations to Superintendent in December 2007Make recommendations to Superintendent in December 2007

13 ECCC Timeline (continued) January 2008 Superintendent makes recommendations to the School BoardSuperintendent makes recommendations to the School Board School Board holds public hearingSchool Board holds public hearing School Board takes actionSchool Board takes action

14 Elementary Crowding and Capacity Committee (ECCC) Meeting #2 September 24, 2007

15 Meeting Agenda I.Myth Busters II.Looking at the Charge III.Guiding Principles and Goals IV. Get Into the Issues a.Work in Table Groups b.Report Back to the Whole Group V.Adjourn

16 Myth Busters Bus “elements” from Tuckahoe to Abingdon “Certain” planning units have already been picked to be moved ATS is to be dismantled The Team is to be dismantled Glebe is to be made part of the Team Equalize numbers at all schools across the county

17 Meeting Schedule and Topics MeetingDate Agenda/Discussion Topics 19/10/07 Introduction Introduction Charge and Proposed Timeline Charge and Proposed Timeline Goals Goals Guiding Principles Guiding Principles Review Suggestions Review Suggestions 29/24/07 Finalize Goals and Guiding Principles Finalize Goals and Guiding Principles Discussion of Options Discussion of Options Decision on Change of Scope Decision on Change of Scope 310/9/07 Review September 30 count Review September 30 count 410/16/07 Review Impact of Options from 9/24 Review Impact of Options from 9/24 Second Round of Options Second Round of Options 510/22/07 Tentative Meeting Tentative Meeting 610/29/07 Review Projections Review Projections Review Impact of Options from 10/15 Review Impact of Options from 10/15 711/5/07 Finalize Options Details Finalize Options Details 811/26/07 TBD TBD 912/3/07 Review Draft Recommendations Review Draft Recommendations 1012/10/07 Confirm Final Recommendations Confirm Final Recommendations

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