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Focus on Grammar Review Session.

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1 Focus on Grammar Review Session

2 Pronouns: Say the pronoun for each noun
Turki He Amal She Ms. Wilder The students They People My book It My family it

3 Remember: Pronouns and verbs must agree!
She do (homework) She does her homework. They do (homework) They do their homework. I do (homework) I do my homework.

4 Remember: Pronouns and verbs must agree!
People be (happy) They are happy. My family be (big) It is big. People be (busy) They are busy.

5 There is/ There are There is/there are is used to state that something exists. There is There are There is a table. There are tables. There is a student. There are students. There is a computer. There is ice cream. There is a bowl of ice cream.

6 What’s in a room? Talk with your partners. Tell them what you see in this room. Use there is/there are.

7 Be Vs. Have Pronoun be pronoun I am You are She/He is They It we
has You It We They

8 Adjectives for Describing people
A man with no hair Bald The opposite of short… Tall Used to describe how many years someone is _____ years old. Dark color of eyes Brown Length of something Long/short – for things not height.

9 Nouns for describing people’s appearance
Glasses Hair Beard Man/Woman T-shirt Neighbor Business woman/man Scar Earring

10 Be/Have Be is used with adjectives. Have is used with nouns. Complete these sentences: She ______ a blue t-shirt. Has He _____ bald. Is She _____ gold earrings. He ______ a beard. She ______ 21 years old is

11 Trying it Partner a: Describe a friend to your partner. Include some nouns and some adjectives. Partner b: Listen to the description. Can you imagine the person they are describing, or do you need more information? Do the verbs seem to match the nouns/adjectives?

12 Present Continuous vs. Simple Past
Simple past: habits, facts and routines Present Continuous (present progressive): NOW, or general now

13 On Holiday Directions: Use the words below and write a post card to a friend about your holiday in Paris, France. You must use all these verbs, and include both simple present and present progressive. Verbs Have Go Take Enjoy Listen Stay Show Love

14 Do/Does and Yes/No questions
he you she we it They

15 Questions To make a yes/no question form your sentence like this: Do/Does + subject + base verb + object or complement Example: Mary goes shopping becomes: Does Mary go shopping?

16 Questions: Two people are talking about their husbands
Questions: Two people are talking about their husbands. Change the following statements to questions. (p. 5) Jim helps with the kids. Steve washes the dirty dishes. Steve does not do the ironing. Jim never goes out to dinner with me. Steve often talks about things with you.

17 Questions: Two people are talking about their husbands
Questions: Two people are talking about their husbands. Change the following statements to questions. (p. 5) Jim helps with the kids. Does Jim help with the kids? Steve washes the dirty dishes. Does Steve wash the dirty dishes? Steve does not do the ironing. Does Steve do the ironing? Jim never goes out to dinner with me. Does Jim ever go out to dinner with you? Steve often talks about things with you?. Does Steve talk about things with you?

18 Questions: Ask your partner about what he/she does after school
Questions: Ask your partner about what he/she does after school. Use do/does in your questions. Example: Partner 1: Do you play video games after school? Partner 2: Yes, I do. Partner 1: Do you eat snacks after school? Partner 2: No, I wait for dinner. *NOTICE: The answers for partner 2 can only be Yes or No.

19 Discuss with your partner.
No vs. Not When can we use not in a sentence? When can we use no in a sentence? Discuss with your partner.

20 NOT: 1.) Use with adjectives
Example 1: I am not happy. How do we know that happy is an adjective? Because it describes a noun. In this case the noun is I. Example 2: He is not tall. What is tall describing here? Tall describes he.

21 Not 2.) use with (a + adjective + noun)
When there is an (a +adjective + noun) we use not. Example: I am not a happy camper. Without the adjective we would still use not. Example: I am not a camper.

22 Not 2.) a + adjective + noun
MORE examples Example: She is not a bad student. OR Example: She is not a (bad) student. She is not a student. *With or without the adjective we still use not with (a + [adjective] + noun), however the meaning of the two sentences is very different.

23 NOT 3.) is + NOT + verb When the negative is followed by a verb, use not. This will usually be an –ing verb Example 1: He is not studying. Example 2: She is not sleeping Example 3: They are not leaving. Example 4: We aren’t meeting at the café, we are meeting at the movie theater.

24 NO 1.) no + noun The negative no should be used when describing a general nouns, plural nouns, or any non-count noun. No is used with no article (no an, an, the…). “no means no article” Example: There are no children here. There is no coffee available. I am no fool. Is the word children plural or singular? Is the word coffee count or non-count. Is fool a noun or an adjective?

25 NO 2.) NO + adjective + noun
When there is no article, but there is an adjective + a general, plural, or non-count noun, use NO. Example 1: I have no small pets. * notice that pets is plural, so there is no article. (So we use not.) Example 2: I have no clean clothes to wear. I need to do the laundry.

26 Not/Not NOT NO adjective a + (adjective) + noun (adjective) noun
is + not + verb

27 Practice Now, write these phrases into your notes with the correct negative. Fill in the blank with no or not. She’s got _____free time this week. He’s ______ studying very hard this week He is ______ interesting. They are ______ feeling very well. She’s ______ very patient with her friends. He is _____ a very mean person. We are _______ very lazy people. I have _______ unintelligent friends. They do _____ know my teacher.

28 Describe yourself Directions: Describe yourself to your partner using the negative. You can also use the positive, but make sure to practice using no and not.

29 Count Vs. Uncountable Nouns
Some words are countable, and some words are not countable. Example: Countable Uncountable shirt clothing soccer ball soccer equipment suitcase luggage

30 Practice (p. 8) Directions: Now draw a chart on your paper just like the example. Make one column countable and one column uncountable. Put these words into the right column on your paper: clothing trees water gifts necklace advice paper chair A piece of paper silverware furniture Jewelry Traffic cars socks

31 Practice (p. 8) Answers: Countable Uncountable trees clothing gifts
paper necklace traffic cars furniture chair silverware a piece of paper jewelry socks water advice

32 Countable vs. Uncountable
Some words can be used with uncountable nouns and some can only be used with countable. Do you know which of these words can go with countable nouns? Some Many Much A Several One, two three….

33 Countable vs. Uncountable
Let’s see… There is some luggage by the window. (uncountable) There are some suitcases by the window. (countable) I have many shirts. (countable ONLY) There is too much furniture to move today. (uncountable ONLY) I have a blue chair. (countable ONLY) We have several large chairs in that room. (countable (ONLY) One, two three…. (countable ONLY)

34 Shopping Spree! You just won a shopping spree! What will you buy with your free money? Tell your partner. Example: I will buy some designer clothes. I will buy a video game. I will buy some furniture.

35 Simple past tense Directions: Talk with your partner.
How is the simple past tense formed with regular verbs? How is the simple past formed with irregular verbs? Now complete the irregular verbs worksheet.

36 Prepositions of time Directions: Fill in the blank.
I can be there ____ 3:00 p.m. The receptionist called me ____ the morning. She has an appointment _____ February. He has an appointment ______ the end of February. She went to the doctor ____ September 3rd, 2011. I had a snack ____ midnight.

37 Prepositions of time Answers at in on

38 Prepositions of Time and location
Turn to p. 14 in your books. Compare your answers to the homework with your partner. Complete “Checking together” Activity- see handout.


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