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4 years #6. 4 years, #6 Cooperates with other children Uses scissors Walks up and down stairs without support.

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Presentation on theme: "4 years #6. 4 years, #6 Cooperates with other children Uses scissors Walks up and down stairs without support."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 years #6

2 4 years, #6 Cooperates with other children Uses scissors Walks up and down stairs without support

3 2 years #4

4 2 years, #4 Begins make-believe play Begins to run Begins to show defiant behavior Begins to sort by shapes and colors Says 2-4 word sentences Turns over container to pour out contents Walks alone Walks up and down stairs holding on to support

5 7 months #2

6 7 months, #2 Babble chains of sounds Can tell emotions by tone of voice Develops full color vision Responds to own name Transfers object from hand to hand

7 3 months #1

8 3 months, #1 Begins to babble Brings hand to mouth First smile 3 Month Old Baby

9 3 years #5

10 3 years, #5 Can ride a tricycle Expresses affections openly Sorts objects by shape and color

11 1 year #3

12 1 year, #3 Bangs two objects together Crawls forward on belly Cries when parent leaves Finds objects even when hidden under two or three covers Finger feeds him/herself Reaches sitting potion without help Responds to “no” Says “dada” and “mama”

13 5 years #7

14 5 years, #7 Dresses and undresses without help Uses fork, spoon and (sometimes) a knife to eat

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