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E-Tourism Nicos Rodosthenous PhD 07/02/2013 1 07/02/20131Dr Nicos Rodosthenous.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Tourism Nicos Rodosthenous PhD 07/02/2013 1 07/02/20131Dr Nicos Rodosthenous."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Tourism Nicos Rodosthenous PhD 07/02/2013 1 07/02/20131Dr Nicos Rodosthenous

2 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Introduction: In this chapter we are going to examine and recognize the Importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): 1) defining the ICT’s 2) the stages of ICT evolution 3)ICT’s and new business tools 4)networking and the Information Superhighway: the Internet, Intranets and Extranets. 07/02/20132Dr Nicos Rodosthenous

3 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 1) Defining the ICT’s, information systems, information management and their relationships Nowadays, millions of people worldwide rely on the Internet for working, learning, socializing, entertainment, leisure and shopping. In 2009, worldwide Internet users reached 1.8 billion (27% of the population worldwide) including 360.0 million Internet users in China (27% of its population) and 227.7 million users in the US (74% of its population) 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous3

4 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. ( The top five most popular online purchases were books (66%), clothes (57%), travel arrangements (57%), gifts (51%) and CDs (45%) in the US in 2007 (Center for the Digital Future, 2008). Online travel bookings and associated travel services are recognized as one of the most successful e-commerce implementations, with estimates of sales of $73.4 billion in 2006 (Turban et al., 2008). 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous4

5 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. The purpose of e-Tourism is review and provide essential knowledge related to ICT developments and main implications of ICT in tourism. It illuminates the complexity of the various types of systems and demonstrates how they fit together in the production, distribution and delivery of tourism products. Poon (1993) defines ICT as “the collective term given to the most recent developments in the electronic mode and the mechanisms (computers and communications technologies) used for the 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous5

6 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Acquisition, processing, analysis, storage, retrieval, dissemination and application of information”. Example, in Airline business. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous6

7 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. The tourism industry at first focused on utilizing computerized systems (e.g.,AA in CRSs & GDSs) to increase efficiency in processing of internal information and managing distribution. Nowadays, the Internet and ICTs are relevant on all operative, structural, strategic and marketing levels to facilitate global interaction among suppliers, intermediaries and consumers around the world (Buhalis & Law, 2008; Egger & Buhalis, 2008). 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous7

8 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous8

9 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. According to Buhalis (2003), ICTs include “the entire range of electronic tools, which facilitate the operational and strategic management of organisations by enabling them to manage their information, functions and processes as well as to communicate interactively with their stakeholders for achieving their mission and objectives.” Thus, ICTs emerge as an integrated system of networked equipment and software, which enables effective data processing and communication for organisational benefit towards transforming organisations to e-businesses. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous9

10 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Hardware: Physical equipment such as mechanical, magnetic, electrical, electronic or optical devices. e.g. computers, printers. Software: Prewritten detailed instructions that control the operation of a computer system or of an electronic device. Software co- ordinates the work of hardware components in an information system. e.g. CRSs, GDSs,Galileo. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous10

11 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous11

12 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Amadeus: Air France, Iberia, Lufthansa and SAS in 1987. Telecommunications: The transmission of signals over long distances, including not only data communications but also the transmission of images and voices using radio, television, telephony and other communication technologies. Netware: Equipment and software required to develop and support a network or an interconnected system of computers, terminals and communication channels and devices. e.g. airline call center/Res. System. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous12

13 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Groupware: communication tools, such as email, voice mail, fax, videoconferencing that foster electronic communication and collaboration among groups. e.g. sharing of files, customer profiles, and prices. “Humanware”: the intellect required for the development, programming, maintenance and operation of technological development. Humanware incorporates the knowledge and expertise pool of the society.e.g. the IT/IS team 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous13

14 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Information Systems (IS): represent the collection of computer hardware and software, procedures, documents, forms, and people for the capture, movement, management and distribution of data and information. IS have got 7 characteristics: boundary, environment, inputs, outputs, components, interfaces and storage. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous14

15 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. Information management overlooks IT and IS and ensures that they coordinated with the goal of achieving the business strategy. ICT strategy enables technology experts to develop and operate suitable solutions so as to achieve the IS strategy. Business strategy should go along with ICT strategy. e.g. T/Agent with leisure and business traffic. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous15

16 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 2) The stages of ICT evolution: a.Data processing, from 1960s onwards with the main objective to improve operational efficiency by automating info-based processes, like Airlines Res. System b.Management Info Systems (MIS), in 1970s were primarily used to increase management effectiveness and efficiency by addressing the needs of internal management, coordination, accounting and inventory. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous16

17 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. c.In 1980s the strategic info systems (SIS) were primarily used to support or shape the competitive strategy of the organization and their ability to gain and maintain competitive advantage. ( using personal computers, forecast, budget, plan) d.Since 1990s has been the revolution, of internet, intranets and extranets. The development of e-Commerce has brought a new global economy and competition. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous17

18 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 3) ICT’s and new business tools. News systems to support business management and enhance organizations efficiency and productivity. a)Management info systems (MIS) to improve the managerial efficiency of organizations by providing managers with info and mechanisms to support decision making process. b)Decision support systems (DSS), are interactive systems with decision models and specialised databases/support systems to extract info and 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous18

19 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. assist the decision making process, by developing test scenarios in the external environment. c) Strategic info systems (SIS), enable organizations to use data for their strategy in order to improve competitiveness. d) Executive info systems (EIS) offer top and middle management selective info and graphs with the current status of the organization and projected trends for key factors selected by executives. (predict implications with external info). 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous19

20 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. e) Expert systems, are ICT applications to develop and manage knowledge in a specific area in order to advise users. e.g. Res. System. 4)Networking and the Information Superhighway: the Internet, Intranets and Extranets. 1.World Wide Web (WWW or the Web): a multimedia protocol which uses the Internet for instant distribution of documents, data, graphics, pictures, video, sounds. 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous20

21 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 2. Internet: Interacting with all stakeholders and is a window to the world. Its the network of all networks. Nyheim, McFadden, and Connolly (2005) defined the Internet as a network which links multiple networks and users around the world. The Web is part of the Internet and ICTS, as a communication tool. 3. Intranet: is for internal employees and managers. Its a corporate or government network that uses Internet tools, such as Web browsers and Internet protocols (Turban et al., 2008). 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous21

22 Information and Communication Technologies: evolution and revolution. 4. Extranet: Its a network using the Internet to link multiple intranets (Turban et al., 2008), and to formulate close partnerships with other members of the value-chain, for the production of goods and services and to enhance the interactivity and transparency between organizations and their trusted partners. (sharing of data and processes in order to maximize the effectiveness of the entire network). 07/02/2013Dr Nicos Rodosthenous22

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