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PH Department in context Safety Officers in PH Department

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0 PH Safety Office Activities & Messages for TSOs
Mark Hatch

1 PH Department in context Safety Officers in PH Department
Summary PH Department in context Safety Officers in PH Department PH Safety Office Activities in 2014: Safety in Workshops Chemical Hazards Evacuation exercises Safety for experiments Accident analysis and reporting Messages for TSOs Mark Hatch

2 PH Department: Evolution of MPA’s
Figure 1 : Evolution of the number of CERN USERS since 2001 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

3 PH Department: Non-LHC Experiments
Figure 2: Number of non-LHC experiments per year for which the PH safety office performs the safety clearance. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

4 PH Department: High Risk premises
Figure 3: Percentage of High Risk premises by Department at CERN (Total number is 353). Note that EN includes LHC infrastructures ALL classified as high risk. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

5 PH Department: TSOs per Dept.
Figure 4: Percentage of TSO's by Department (Total number is 257). 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

6 PH Department: Workshops
Figure 5: Percentage of mechanical workshops per Department (Total number is 132) 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

7 PH Department TSO meeting 2014
LHCB Bernard Corajod 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

8 PH Department TSO meeting 2014
PH Safety Officers 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

9 PH Safety Office<->TSOs
PH Safety Office Activities in 2014: Safety in workshops Chemical Hazards Evacuation drills Safety for experiments Accident analysis & reporting 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

10 Safety in Workshops: Isabelle + Ruben
Tooling-machines Complete updated list of Machine Tools Conformity works to be completed Update MTF Instruction manuals and Task Sheets to be updated/provided Users Traka boxes Users ‘authorisation to use CERN tooling machines EPI availability Workshops & Laboratories Safety file We are working together with the HSE unit to refine the working tools and methods to improve the safety in our workshops. In 2015 aim to expand to the rest of PH Department, maybe even CERN wide. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

11 Safety in Workshops – PH-DT
In PH Department around 70% of all machines are conform to requirements. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

12 Chemical Hazards (Bruno & Bernard)
EDMS documents: CERN Projects Departments PH Department 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

13 Chemical Hazards (Bruno & Bernard)
Survey in 2013 and 2014 of ALL buildings and barracks belonging to PH to see what chemicals are being stored and where. Future actions: Follow-up Offer choice – compliance or elimination of chemical products. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

14 Safety for Experiments (Bruno)
There is a SAFETY CLEARANCE PROCEDURE for experiments. If ‘major safety implications’ then the HSE unit does the safety checks. If not, and for test beam type experiments, then the safety checks are done by the PH safety office (60 this year). The TSO’s are usually from EN or BE Departments. Note: USER community heavily involved ! 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

15 Evacuation drills in PH Dept. (Niels)
ATLAS, Alice, LHCb (June, Sept.) B.188 (March) B.11,12,13,14 (April) B.1,2,3,4,50,51,52,53,58,304 (Oct.) Big successes: no incident / accident Good collaboration with GS, HSE, and other dep. lots of work for the organizers, lots of improvements identified. No evacuation drills scheduled in 2015 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

16 Evacuation drills: Facts (Niels)
Infrastructures: Good: sirens are ringing, fire-doors are closing, Could be better: no evacuation/fire safety concept, evacuation sirens not-conform, fire-doors not conform, evacuation signalling insufficient/not appropriate, no interlock with lifts, location of assembly points, Organisational: Good: drills performed, personnel trained and equipped, quick intervention of Fire Brigade, Could be better: not enough equipment, no trained, emergency guide, not enough drills, Personnel: Good: (almost) everybody evacuated, assembly point joined, Could be better: late or no evacuation, Weather: No rain! 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

17 Accidents: CERN statistics (Niels)

18 Accidents: CERN statistics (Niels)
26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

19 Accidents analysis & reporting (Niels)
9 accidents analysed in detail Accident analysis is done in order to learn, not to blame anyone Main lessons learnt: Not enough first-aiders Calling is not systematic Incidents and near-misses not reported enough – would help preventing accident MPA (associates) are mainly exposed to road safety hazards (bicycle helmet, high visibility jacket, speed limits, road infrastructures, etc.) 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

20 Accidents analysis & reporting (Niels) ACT to prevent accidents.
What to do if you see a dangerous situation? If urgent call the Fire Brigade 74444 If not urgent call the Fire Brigade or call the DSO ACT to prevent accidents. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

21 PH Department TSO meeting 2014
Messages for TSO’s Communicate Your role is an important role in SAFETY Train according to your needs Contact the help desk for any problems. Follow-up. Perform regular checks of your premises. Identify problems/risks, act Act immediately on HSE inspection reports Future Help & support: PH-DT = Isabelle Rest of PH = Mark Large Experiments = LEXGLIMOS 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

22 PH Department TSO meeting 2014
Final Messages A BIG thank you for performing the role of TSO and Deputy TSO. There are many ‘challenges’. Many high risk premises Lots of workshops, laboratories, technical facilities Large USER community Our aim is to improve. We will involve you more and give you better help and support in 2015. 26 November 2014 PH Department TSO meeting 2014

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