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Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety at Work: A Tedious Obligation or Part of Economic Success? Kevin Myers Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety at Work: A Tedious Obligation or Part of Economic Success? Kevin Myers Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety at Work: A Tedious Obligation or Part of Economic Success? Kevin Myers Director General, Regulation, HSE President, International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI)

2 The Return on Prevention Costs × More than 4000 work- related fatalities across the EU each year × More than 3 million people suffer a serious accident at work × 23 million suffering illness caused or aggravated by work × Decrease EU GDPs by 2.6 – 4% Benefits 2.2 : 1 return on OSH investment (ISSA) Protect workers Avoid insurance and healthcare costs Longer, more productive working lives Enhance corporate reputation Less impact on GDP

3 Improving Compliance Without Reducing Protection Complexity of current EU H&S Framework Scattered across different Directives Difficult to understand and to regulate effectively Requires: –Simplification to improve understanding of requirements –Removal of complexity and duplication –Flexibility to adapt to changing work environment and national circumstances –Proportionate framework focused on outcomes –Goal-based regulation

4 Business OSH Risk Regulator Media Trade Bodies Public/Social Pressures Economic/Market Pressures Insurance Customers Unions/ Workers Civil Society/ Third Sector Strategic Approaches to Regulation

5 Best Practice Example: London Olympic Build (2012)

6 Outcomes No work-related fatalities Accident rate of 0.16 – well below construction industry average 126 RIDDOR-reportable injury accidents 30 periods of 1 million hours worked without a reportable injury ‘Big build’ completed on time and within budget hemes/health-and-safety/ hemes/health-and-safety/

7 Conclusions Intangible benefits of good H&S can result in positive economic returns Tangible returns on H&S are possible where interventions are targeted, practical and proportionate Risk-based labour inspection and engagement can drive high standards without the need for prescriptive legislation

8 Thank you

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