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Genetic Engineering Changing the Living World A.Selective Breeding 1.Hybridization 2.Inbreeding B.Increasing Variation 1.Producing New Kinds of Bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Engineering Changing the Living World A.Selective Breeding 1.Hybridization 2.Inbreeding B.Increasing Variation 1.Producing New Kinds of Bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Engineering Changing the Living World A.Selective Breeding 1.Hybridization 2.Inbreeding B.Increasing Variation 1.Producing New Kinds of Bacteria 2.Producing New Kinds of Plants Section 13-1 Go to Section:

2 Genetic Engineering Humans use _____________to pass desired traits on to the next generation. While inbreeding assures a set of characteristics it also causes __________________as well. (blindness, hip displeasure in dogs and hemophilia in humans) Wide _____________is found in natural populations. Breeders can artificially introduce variation by inducing mutations. Plants tolerate extra sets of chromosomes___________ has resulted in new species of plants.

3 Genetic Engineering Manipulating DNA A.The Tools of Molecular Biology 1.DNA Extraction 2.Cutting DNA 3.Separating DNA B.Using the DNA Sequence 1.Reading the Sequence 2.Cutting and Pasting 3.Making Copies Section 13-2 Go to Section: 13–2

4 Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering = process in which a gene from the DNA of one organism is removed, and then transferred into the DNA of another organism Boyle & Cohen (1973) - FIRST people to genetically engineer a new organism: Removed the gene for rRNA from a frog and inserted that gene into the DNA of a bacterium. RESULT: A bacteria that produced large amounts of frog rRNA Genetic engineering involves the making of a new combination of __________________or more different organisms

5 Genetic Engineering IF you can cut out a gene, WHAT do you use to carry that gene into the cell of another organism??? Vector = agent used to carry the _____________into another organism's cell EXAMPLES of vectors: viruses, yeast or plasmids PLASMID = ___________DNA molecules in bacteria that can replicate (copy itself) independently from the single main chromosome in bacteria

6 Genetic Engineering Bacterial plasmids are often used to make recombinant DNA. –plasmids are loops of DNA in bacteria –_________________cut plasmid and foreign DNA –_______________inserte d into plasmid

7 Genetic Engineering Restriction enzymes_____________. Restriction enzymes act as “molecular scissors.” –come from various types of ______________ –allow scientists to more easily study and manipulate genes –cut DNA at a specific ________________called a restriction site

8 Genetic Engineering Different restriction enzymes cut DNA in different ways. –each enzyme has a different __________________

9 Genetic Engineering –some cut _______________and leave “blunt ends” –some make __________________and leave “sticky ends”

10 Genetic Engineering A restriction map shows the ________________________ between restriction sites. –only indicate size, not DNA sequence –useful in genetic engineering –used to study –____________

11 Genetic Engineering –Smaller fragments move _________and travel _________than larger fragments. –Fragments of different sizes appear as bands on the gel. ______Electrophoresis

12 Genetic Engineering ______uses polymerases to _______________segments. PCR makes ___________of a specific DNA sequence in a few hours. target sequence of DNA PCR amplifies DNA samples. PCR is similar to DNA replication.

13 Genetic Engineering PCR is a _________________process. PCR uses four materials. –DNA to be copied –DNA polymerase –A, T, C, and G nucleotides –two primers DNA strands polymerase nucleotides primer 1 primer 2

14 Genetic Engineering DNA strands polymerase nucleotides primer 1 primer 2 The three steps of PCR occur in a cycle. –_______to separate double-stranded DNA molecules –primers ________________strand on opposite ends of the segment to be copied –_______________binds nucleotides together to form new strands of DNA

15 Genetic Engineering Cell Transformation A.Transforming Bacteria B.Transforming Plant Cells C.Transforming Animal Cells Section 13-3 Go to Section: 15–3

16 Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering or____________________ Connecting or recombining fragments of DNA from different sources –1. ________________DNA fragment to be inserted -Restriction enzymes- cut DNA strands at specific areas

17 Genetic Engineering –2. Attach DNA fragment _______________ –Vector- means by which DNA from another species can be carried into a host cell oBiological vectors: viruses, plasmids oMechanical vectors: micropipette, gene gun –3. ______________ into a host organism –________________organism- plants and animals that contain functional recombinant DNA

18 Genetic Engineering Applications of Genetic Engineering A.Transgenic Organisms 1.Transgenic Microorganisms 2.Transgenic Animals 3.Transgenic Plants B.Cloning Section 13-4 Go to Section: 15–4

19 Genetic Engineering Biotechnology is a result of genetic engineering. Transgenic Microorganisms Used in__________________. They are easy to grow and reproduce rapidly. Transgenic Animals Used to improve the ________________by making animals stronger Transgenic Plants Genetically modified ___________________the food supply, and additionally are able to produce a naturally occurring herbicide.

20 Genetic Engineering Cloning occurs in ___________________. –_______________ (binary fission) –some plants (from______________) –some __________________(budding, regeneration)

21 Genetic Engineering Mammals can be cloned through a process called _________ ________________. –nucleus is removed from an egg cell –nucleus of a cell from the animal to be cloned is _______________ in the egg

22 Genetic Engineering Cloning has potential benefits. –__________for transplant into humans –save _____________________ species Cloning raises concerns. –low _______________ rate –clones “imperfect” and __________ than original animal –decreased ___________________

23 Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering produces ______________________ traits. A transgenic organism has one or more genes from another organism inserted into its genome.

24 Genetic Engineering Transgenic bacteria can be used to produce human ___________. –gene inserted into plasmid –plasmid inserted into bacteria –bacteria express the gene Transgenic plants are common in ________________. –transgenic bacteria infect a plant –plant expresses foreign gene –many crops are now genetically modified (GM)

25 Genetic Engineering Transgenic animals are used to _______________ and gene functions. –transgenic mice used to study development and disease –gene knockout mice used to study gene function

26 Genetic Engineering Human Molecular Genetics A.Human DNA Analysis 1.Testing for Alleles 2.DNA Fingerprinting B.The Human Genome Project 1.Rapid Sequencing 2.Searching for Genes 3.A Breakthrough for Everyone C.Gene Therapy D.Ethical Issues in Human Genetics Section 14-3 Go to Section: 14-3

27 Genetic Engineering Testing for Alleles: Alleles responsible for genetic disorders have a different ________________ than the normal counterpart. Genetic testing: Genetic tests have been developed to spot the ______________ sequence. Other tests detect changes in restriction enzyme cutting sites or differences in lengths of normal and abnormal alleles. Prenatal Testing Amniocentesis = sample of fluid surrounding the fetus is taken with a long, thin needle Cells from the fluid can be grown in culture and karyotype prepared

28 Genetic Engineering Human Genome Project: Started in 1990. Objective: To sequence all human DNA. Finished in June 2000. First ______________ were found that allowed the DNA to be broken down to smaller segments. Second: Private companies used a shot gun approach to sequence _______________________. Third: _________________ were used to find overlapping regions between the fragments to place them in order.

29 Genetic Engineering __________________ is determining the order of DNA nucleotides in genes or in genomes. The genomes of several different organisms have been sequenced.

30 Genetic Engineering Technology allows the study and comparison of both _______________________________. __________________is the use of computer databases to organize and analyze biological data. DNA microarrays are used to study the expression of many genes at once. ____________is the study and comparison of proteins.

31 Genetic Engineering DNA Fingerprints Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) - used to identify________________________________ Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA into _____________ that have SPECIFIC ________________________. DNA of different people contain different nucleotides sequences – restriction enzymes cut the DNA from different people into pieces of DIFFERENT lengths. Separate the pieces by gel _____________________ - DNA has negative charge :smaller pieces move _________________pieces This produces a series of bands = DNA fingerprint!! May use blood, hair, semen, bone - any cell with DNA.

32 Genetic Engineering A DNA fingerprint is a type of restriction map. DNA fingerprints are based on parts of an individual’s DNA that can by used for identification. –based on ______________________of DNA –noncoding regions have repeating DNA sequences –number of repeats differs _______________ –________________ on a gel is a DNA fingerprint

33 Genetic Engineering DNA fingerprinting is used in several ways. –evidence in criminal cases –__________ tests –immigration requests –studying __________ – tracking ___________ modified crops

34 Genetic Engineering Gene Therapy: An absent or faulty gene is replaced by a normal working gene. Vector: Benign virus is modified with the working gene then introduced into the body to start replicating the gene. Mixed results to date, it is still a high risk, experimental procedure. Ethical Issues: Disease cure is generally accepted. Bioengineering to produce “ideal” human is not and becomes a societal discussion and decision question.

35 Genetic Engineering Genetic screening can detect genetic disorders. Genetic screening involves the __________________. –determines risk of having or passing on a _______ disorder –used to ______________ genes or proteins –can detect some genes related to an increased ___________________ –can detect some genes known to cause genetic disorders DMDN

36 Genetic Engineering Several experimental techniques are used for gene therapy. –genetically __________________ used to “infect” a patient’s cells –insert gene to _______________system to attack cancer cells –insert “suicide” genes into _______________that activate a drug

37 Genetic Engineering Scientists have concerns about some uses of genetic engineering. –possible long-term ___________of eating GM foods –possible effects of GM plants on ecosystems and biodiversity

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