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United Kingdom/Ireland Notes.  #38: The failure of which crop caused the Irish to leave the country in large numbers during the mid-1800s?  POTATO 

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Presentation on theme: "United Kingdom/Ireland Notes.  #38: The failure of which crop caused the Irish to leave the country in large numbers during the mid-1800s?  POTATO "— Presentation transcript:

1 United Kingdom/Ireland Notes

2  #38: The failure of which crop caused the Irish to leave the country in large numbers during the mid-1800s?  POTATO  #39: Where did the Potato Famine take place?  IRELAND  #40: Why did the Potato Famine take place? A disease infected much of the potato crop in Ireland, killing them or making them unsafe to eat.

3  #41: What was an effect of the Potato Famine?  Many people died  Many people left Ireland to move to other countries  Ireland’s poverty rates increased  Ireland’s population decreased significantly

4  #42: What are the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom?  England  Scotland  Wales  Northern Ireland  #43: What is the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain?  The United Kingdom is a country of countries including England, Scotland, Wales, & Northern Ireland.  Great Britain is the name of an island, NOT a country, and is made up of England, Scotland, and Wales.

5  #44: What countries make up Great Britain?  England, Scotland, Wales  #45: Is Northern Ireland part of the Republic of Ireland or the United Kingdom?  The United Kingdom


7  #46: Most people living in the Republic of Ireland practice which religion?  Catholicism  #47: Most people living in Northern Ireland practice which religion?  Protestant Christianity  #48: What is the difference between a Catholic & a Protestant?  Both are Christians, but a Protestant is a non- Catholic Christian.

8  20 th Century (1900s)  Irish Catholics wanted independence from Britain  Irish Protestants wanted to remain part of Britain  Britain created two separate Irish states  Irish Free State (called Republic of Ireland) in the South  North (called Northern Ireland) remained united with the British as the 4 th country in the United Kingdom

9  #49: Why is there a conflict in Northern Ireland?  There are different religious beliefs AND some people who want to stay part of the UK and some who do not.  #50: What were “The Troubles”?  A conflict that went on between Catholics and Protestants living in Northern Ireland from the 1960s-1990s.

10  #51: What do Nationalists/Republicans want in Ireland?  Catholics in Northern Ireland  They want Northern Ireland to become one nation with the Republic of Ireland  #52: What do Loyalists/Unionists want in Ireland?:  Protestants  They want to remain loyal to (stay part of) the United Kingdom

11  Conflict remains: the country is very divided  Still some violence  A lot of segregation between Catholics and Protestants

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