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Today Matters: Leadership and Personal Growth (Lesson 1) Million Leaders Mandate Notebook Six.

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Presentation on theme: "Today Matters: Leadership and Personal Growth (Lesson 1) Million Leaders Mandate Notebook Six."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today Matters: Leadership and Personal Growth (Lesson 1) Million Leaders Mandate Notebook Six

2 Successful people make right DECISIONS early and MANAGE those decisions daily.

3 Do you want to invest time PREPARING, or spend time REPAIRING?

4 Good decisions without daily discipline equals: A PLAN WITHOUT A PAYOFF. Daily discipline without good decisions equals: A REGIMENT WITHOUT A REWARD. Good decisions combined with daily discipline equals: A MASTERPIECE OF POTENTIAL.

5 Twelve Important Decisions to Manage for Personal Growth 1. ATTITUDE 2. PRIORITIES 3. HEALTH 4. FAMILY

6 Twelve Important Decisions to Manage for Personal Growth 5. THINKING 6. COMMITMENT 7. FINANCES 8. FAITH

7 Twelve Important Decisions to Manage for Personal Growth 9. RELATIONSHIPS 10. GENEROSITY 11. VALUES 12. GROWTH

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