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Career goals, aspirations and perceived sources of support in STEM and non-STEM undergraduates HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing.

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Presentation on theme: "Career goals, aspirations and perceived sources of support in STEM and non-STEM undergraduates HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career goals, aspirations and perceived sources of support in STEM and non-STEM undergraduates HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2014: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey Rachel Bromnick & Ava Horowitz, University of Lincoln

2 Overview of our previous research Bromnick & Horowitz (2014)

3 Top 5 Most Rated Values for Psychology students ValueN% Helping others4766.19 Respect3245.07 Achievement3245.07 Varied work2839.43 Working with others2839.43 3

4 ‘Financial gain’ was not highly valued 4

5 Overview of Conclusions Psychology students not motivated by money or prestige Students’ values University’s values 5

6 New Aspirations Study Compare Psychology with other degrees

7 What was measured? 30 ‘Life Goals’ (Scale = 1-7) How important ? How helpful is UG degree & experience likely to be in its future attainment ?

8 What was measured? Rated 9 sources of support on Usefulness in determining graduate career success e.g. Parents Friends Social Media Stated Ideal job How likely to attain it

9 Who was asked? N= 92 N = 103 N = 200 N = 162 N = 43 F = 60%, M = 40% Age ≈ 21 years

10 Overview of findings STEM v non-STEM subjects … More similar than different

11 Importance of Life Goals Psychology M Science M Social Science M Relationships6.265.835.86 Personal Growth6.065.78 Community5.675.335.43 Wealth4.814.774.84 Image3.303.003.10 Fame2.592.622.53

12 Psychology: Top 10 Life Goals Goal 1 Able to look back on my life as meaningful & complete (M = 6.45) Personal Growth 2 Relationships 3Share my life with someone I love (M = 6.40) Relationships 4 5 Choose what I do, instead of being pushed along by life (M = 6.22) Personal Growth 6 7Grow and learn new things (M = 6.07) Personal Growth 8 Relationships 9Have enough money to buy the things I need (M = 6.07) Wealth 10 Relationships

13 Degree Helpful in supporting Top 10 Life Goals

14 Sources of Career Support Top 3 Parents (M = 5.51) Internet in general (M = 5.23) Personal contacts (M = 4.96) University ratings Lecturers: Rated 4 th (M = 4.92) Careers service: Rated 7 th (M = 4.35)

15 Ideal Job

16 What does it mean?

17 Anticipated support from parents

18 Models of employability?

19 What next? Support or control?

20 Thank your for looking and listening Any questions?

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